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Research Report 264 Development of a benefit evaluation technique applicable to treatment of road run-off

Published: | Category: Environmental impacts of land transport , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

This study investigated the potential to define a benefit cost based on the reduction of contaminants provided by a road stormwater run-off treatment device. The basis for benefit definition was the establishment of a link between stormwater treatment and improvement of the receiving environment.

A contingent valuation approach was used to derive benefit values.

Data from the contingent valuation study was manipulated to generate a benefit values associated with stormwater treatment and this was then converted to a value associated with contaminant reduction ($/kg/year).

It was found that a benefit cost ratio can be calculated for stormwater treatment. A process for calculating benefit cost for stormwater treatment was demonstrated and was found to be amenable to improvement as more accurate data becomes available.

Keywords: stormwater treatment, cost-benefit, contingent valuation, contaminant load, contaminant reduction, annual run-off volume, suspended solids, petroleum hydrocarbons


Publication details

  • Author:
  • Published: 2005
  • Reference: 264