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Research Report 055 A model to predict logging traffic and associated pavement loading from New Zealand forests

Published: | Category: Activity management , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

A computer model was devised in 1993 to predict heavy traffic flows generated by the operations arising from the 30-year planning period of a production forest (from planting to harvest) in New Zealand, for an area served by a road network. Economic strategies are suggested.

The results show that both heavy traffic loadings on the road and future road expenditures can be predicted, based on figures recorded by the forestry industry in New Zealand. These predictions can be applied to long-term road planning for the area.

Keywords: Construction, economics, EDA, forestry, loading, loads, logging, maintenance, New Zealand, pavement, production, roads, traffic, trips

Publication details

  • Author:
  • Published: 1996
  • Reference: 55