SSDF Segment Manager API

SSDF 2 SOAP link)


To successfully call the external SOAP feeds, a ws-security token containing the users credentials must be included in the SOAP header. A ws-security token looks like:

<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="">



            <wsse:Password Type="PasswordText">…</wsse:Password>           




There will now be 7 SOAP operations in total, but only 4 operations require some form of parameter to be included in the request.  Here are example values:









         <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->        













          <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->




The SSDF REST URLs have changed to comply with standards for accessing RESTful web services.  Please refer to the SSDF REST URL changes document provided for usage instructions.  Note that authentication credentials should still be added as request HEADERS as before.


SSDF2 REST link) (old way)


The addition of the 6 new methods for SSDF v2 comes with changes to how the REST feeds URL should be accessed.  This is in following with industry standards and best practices for providing resources via RESTful web services.

SSDF Resources

The old way of accessing SSDF2  rest was via this URL form:




The new URLs will now include resource names and optional parameters following the /FeedService/ portion of the resource path


  • Journey By Reference



where xxxx is a journey reference value


  • All Journeys



  • Journeys By Type



where type is a query parameter which can have multiple values (array).  If no type is provided, this URL becomes a call to All Journeys.


  • All Links



  • All Segment Types



  • Segments By Type



where type is a query parameter which can have multiple values (array)


  • Segment By Reference



where xxxx is a segment carriageway segment id value





User-friendly error messages have been added for guidance on correct usage for cases such as invalid URL or missing parameters.

If you any questions or enquiries please refer to the Infoconnect section of the NZTA website.