We recognise that we have a significant responsibility to communities throughout New Zealand, and we work closely with people and organisations affected by our activities to ensure clear lines of communication and understanding.
We regularly talk and listen to road users, neighbours (people living alongside our state highways), suppliers such as consultants and contractors, and other stakeholders including the government and local authorities. We interact through:
our daily work on projects around the country
regular surveys to learn about communities’ needs, values and what they want from us
annual surveys on what communities think of us and how we’re performing
open days.
We also consult on significant projects that we undertake.
As a Crown agency, we acknowledge the status of Māori as tangata whenua – the indigenous people of Aotearoa New Zealand – and as partners with the Crown in the Treaty of Waitangi.
As a Crown agency, we:
work to achieve the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi
extend the opportunity for Māori to participate in our decision making
build Māori capacity to contribute to our decision making
consult with Māori wherever possible on activities that are likely to affect them or their interests.
We strive to build and maintain collaborative working relationships with Māori, and we also work with our colleagues from other government agencies to engage, communicate and to work with Māori.
To achieve these objectives we provide our people with the knowledge and skills to appreciate and understand the Treaty of Waitangi, and Māori language, culture and protocols.
Read more about Māori and Transport Agency, and Te Ara Kotahi (our Māori Strategy).