Project updates and newsletters privacy statement

Why we need your information 

If you subscribe to project updates or newsletters, we need to collect your name and email address so that we can add you to the mailing list you request. 

How we collect your information 

We use third party software called Consultation Manager to collect and store your name and contact email address which is used with another third party product called Campaign Monitor to manage and distribute e-newsletters to keep you informed on the issues you have asked about.


You can unsubscribe at any time, just click the unsubscribe button on the project update or newsletter email.

Managing our effectiveness 

To help us know if our project updates and newsletters are effective, we use Campaign Monitor to tell us the following: 

  • email addresses of subscribers that opened the email 
  • email addresses of subscribers that did not open the email 
  • email account (Gmail, Outlook, Hotmail) used to open the email 
  • general locations where emails were opened 
  • email addresses that that weren’t successful due to an inactive address, DNS failure, or a full mailbox 
  • number of times a newsletter has been shared via email, Facebook or Twitter 
  • the most clicks on any links contained in the email. 

These tools and information are only used in relation to the project update or newsletter email and we have no ability to collect other information or to track subscribers outside of a specific e-newsletter.

Storage and security of your information 

Your information may be held outside of New Zealand. Consultation Manager is hosted on Microsoft Azure Cloud servers based in Australia. Campaign Monitor uses servers in Australia, the United States of America and Europe. We take all reasonable steps to ensure that information about you that is stored or processed by third parties is protected from loss, unauthorised access and disclosure, or any other misuse. We satisfy ourselves that all of our providers meet high data security standards. 

We may disclose your personal information to third parties only as lawful and necessary, or to respond to Official Information Act requests. 

Campaign Monitor privacy policy(external link)

Consultation Manager privacy policy(external link)

How to ask about your information

You can ask questions, request access to, and correction of, your information. Please refer to the 'Requesting access to or correction of your information' section for more information.

Requesting access to or correction of your information

If you have a complaint about how we handled your personal information, please refer to the 'Privacy complaints' section.

Privacy complaints