The road centreline dataset is an accurate, managed and maintained real world representation of the road centreline (the dotted line on the road). It contains tabular information from Road Controlling Authorities (RCAs) across New Zealand.
The dataset contains:
The centreline dataset has a public/private ownership model.
CoreLogic own the dataset geometry, and Road Controlling Authorities (e.g. local councils, NZ Transport Agency, DOC) own their individual attribute data like surface information for example.
The Transport Agency owns the state highway attribute components of the dataset.
CloseThe NZ Transport Agency procures a licence to share this dataset with local government and you. You may use it in accordance with this licence, described in the Uses section further below.
The dataset is available via the NZ Transport Agencies Open Data Portal(external link)
Navigate to Roading(external link), select the National Road Centreline and enter your details to download the data.
CloseAs part of making this data publically accessible, NZ Transport Agency needs to know who has downloaded the centreline. Personal information you provide will only be disclosed in accordance with the terms of use.
Please note: The centreline dataset is a hybrid of both public and private data. Due to this shared ownership model, the centreline dataset has terms of use that need to be agreed to before downloading can occur.
CloseLINZ have two centrelines intended for TOPO50 mapping and Addressing. Though these datasets serve their purposes well, they were not designed to be used for accurate road asset management.
The road centreline dataset, hosted on the NZ Transport Agency’s Open Data Portal is an accurate, maintained and managed dataset and a real-world representation of the road centreline (ie. The dotted-line on the road). This dataset contains the asset information for the majority of RCAs across New Zealand.
CloseWe are still working closely with RCAs to ensure they are comfortable with sharing their data with the public.
CloseCoreLogic capture their road centrelines from a number of different sources. While the LINZ centreline is one of these sources, the centrelines are mainly derived from aerial imagery.
When CoreLogic get new imagery, they will update centrelines in those areas to match the new imagery. For newly completed road projects/subdivisions, they will use survey plans to capture centrelines under construction.
CoreLogic are also linked into local council updates and are able to ensure any disparity between their centreline and a councils is checked and updated accordingly.
CloseYes, as long as there is no commercial gain from the product visualising the road centreline dataset, you don’t allow the map to be used for turn-by-turn navigation, and it is made available in a way that prevents reverse engineering of the centreline dataset.
CloseYes, as long as there is no commercial gain from the interactive tool, you don’t allow the tool to be used for turn-by-turn navigation, and the raw data cannot be downloaded or recreated.
CloseYes you can, as long as it is used as a reference and not as a way in which to update (replace any section of) your own centreline.
If you are an RCA and are interested in updating your own centreline, but don’t yet have access to the new tools and data please contact NZ Transport Agency at