Class exemption for electric trucks

Submissions for this consultation have now closed.

This consultation sought feedback on whether a class exemption should be put in place to allow drivers with a class 1 driver licence to drive electric versions of a diesel truck weighing up to 7,500kgs.

Preliminary decision to allow drivers with a class 1 driver licence to drive electric trucks weighing 6,000-7,500kg

In January 2024, the Director of Land Transport (NZTA) proposed a class exemption that would allow drivers who hold a class 1 driver licence to drive electric trucks weighing 6,000-7,500kg.

Right now, people holding a class 1 driver licence can’t drive anything heavier than 6,000kg.

With the growth in electric vehicles there are now electric versions of diesel trucks that cannot be legally driven by drivers with a class 1 driver licence because the weight of the electric battery takes the truck over the 6,000kg limit when fully loaded.

The Director of Land Transport has the power to issue a class exemption where (among other things) he believes it will have a positive impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of the land transport system and at least maintain safety. 

The higher weight and low placement of the batteries improves stability of the electric version of a <6,000kg diesel truck.  This, coupled with the other safety features in these vehicles, can reduce the likelihood of a crash occurring.

An exemption would also have a positive effect by removing some of the regulatory burden and associated costs on businesses wanting to replace their diesel trucks with equivalent e-trucks. For example, there are additional costs and training associated with gaining a class 2 driver licence.

To ensure the safety of our roads and people travelling on them, the model range of electric trucks must have the same braking system as a diesel equivalent, have the batteries integrated within the chassis and have several other safety features.

The proposed exemption would be in place for 2 years:

Drivers of Electric Trucks (up to 7,500kgs) Exemption Notice 2025 [PDF, 119 KB]

What we sought feedback on

We sought views on whether any other conditions should be added to the proposed class exemption.

We sought feedback and comments on:

  • any other conditions that should be placed on a driver
  • any data or insights on the level of safety risk this proposed exemption creates
  • any electric trucks that may enter New Zealand that are similar but may not fall within this exemption
  • any issues arising from this class exemption to full New Zealand class 1 driver licences, including equivalent overseas licences.

Complete our feedback form

The last day to share your feedback was Friday 7 February 2025.

Feedback is now being considered before the class exemption is confirmed in late February 2025.
