$388 million is forecast to be invested in Tairāwhiti – Gisborne’s land transport system during the 2021–24 National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) period. This will help Gisborne’s economy to grow and people to access essential health, education and employment opportunities. Improved access and resilience of the road network will also be supported.
Tairāwhiti – Gisborne NLTP 2023 update
A site north of Gisborne has been blessed ahead of critical construction work that will stop a river spilling onto a main highway. A karakia was held at Turitaka Hill on SH35 near Tikitiki, in the lead up to work starting soon.
Read the Transport Rebuild East Coast Alliance (TREC) newsletter - 4 April 2024 issue [PDF, 5.8 MB]
Ecologist from the Transport Rebuild East Coast Alliance (TREC) get involved early in construction planning to work out the best way to look after any native fish species near work areas. Together with construction teams they design how the construction work can be done in ways to protect the fish.
Read the Transport Rebuild East Coast Alliance (TREC) newsletter - 4 April 2024 issue [PDF, 5.8 MB]
The Transport Rebuild East Coast (TREC) Alliance has been set up to plan, organise and deliver much of the recovery and rebuild work needed on the highway and rail networks in Te Tairāwhiti (Gisborne) and Te Matau a Māui (Hawke's Bay), in conjunction with local businesses and contractors.
The Transport Rebuild East Coast (TREC) Alliance
Following delays due to the impacts of Cyclone Gabrielle, the State Highway 35 (SH35) resilience and State Highway 2 (SH2)/SH35 passing opportunities programmes of work are making progress.
Construction is underway on a number of sites across both state highways.
We are preparing a business case to identify ways we can improve the resilience and safety of State Highway 2 through the Waioeka Gorge.
SH2 Waioeka Gorge – resilience and safety
Maintenance summary infographic for Gisborne 2022/23 [PDF, 763 KB]
Planned maintenance infographic for Gisborne 2023/24 [PDF, 1 MB]
We’re committed to a collaborative approach to transport planning, funding and development. It’s an approach that delivers integrated transport solutions that best meet the needs of New Zealanders. To achieve these results, we seek open and honest consultation across a range of activities with all our stakeholders, including road users, business, local government, communities and iwi.
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