Ōtākou/Murihiku – Otago/Southland


Our investment of $1.1 billion in the land transport system during the next three years in Ōtākou/Murihiku – Otago/Southland is aimed at creating a safe transport system that reduces harm both to people and the environment and represents value for money. 

Ōtākou/Murihiku – Otago/Southland NLTP 2022 update

Graphic showing 1.1 billion forecast investment

Latest news

A new bridge under construction across a river, with an existing bridge next to it

New SH8 Beaumont Bridge replacement

Work is well advanced on replacing an aging single-lane bridge on SH8 over the Clutha River / Mata-Au. A new $25 million two-lane successor due to open in late 2023. The new bridge will cater for expected traffic growth, including heavier trucks well into the future and has a shared walking and cycling path.

New Beaumont Bridge

Two men working on a steep cliff

Nevis Bluff work continues

Rock stabilisation on the Nevis Bluff is ongoing and an autumn safety programme is planned.

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency’s Aspiring Highways team has been working on the Yates Feature on the Bluff since November 2022. The cliff face had 14 weeks work early in 2022, then a further 15 weeks since November last year. Over the two periods, the team drilled just over 2000 metres to install 182 steel bolts to help secure around 13,000 tonnes of schist rock, comprising the Yates Feature.

Major work underway

Otago Southland map 2022

View larger map [PDF, 387 KB]

SH88 Dunedin to Port Chalmers safety improvements project

The $40-$45 million SH88 Dunedin to Port Chalmers safety improvements project is on track for completion in the second half of 2023. The largest piece of work involves building the final 5km section of shared cycling/walking path between St Leonards and Port Chalmers. When it opens, it’ll complete the final link in a continuous safe and modern off highway shared path between Dunedin and Port Chalmers.

SH88 Dunedin to Port Chalmers safety improvements

Mt Iron Wanaka roundabout

An upgrade to the SH6 and SH84 intersection at Mt Iron is underway with Waka Kotahi building, a 40 metre-diameter, single-lane, five leg roundabout.

The project is part of the Road to Zero Safe Infrastructure Programme which is being delivered across New Zealand. Its construction will reduce the likelihood of crashes and increase safety for all those who use it.

Mt Iron roundabout

SH1 Palmerston to Hampden safety improvements

Detailed design work is complete for a project using a range of interventions such as wide centre lines and roadside barriers in selected areas, to reduce crashes on this section of SH1.

SH1 Hampden to Palmerston safe network project

SH1 Kakanui flood protection improvements

The necessary resource consents for this highway flood protection project near Maheno are now in place. Work involves raising by a metre a 200-metre section of SH1 traversing the Kakanui River flood plain, to reduce regular and highly disruptive flood closures. The alternative route during flood closures involves a 3-hour detour.

SH1 Kakanui flood protection improvements

NZ Upgrade Programme (NZUP) Queenstown package

The Queenstown package will provide dedicated public transport infrastructure and support people to choose different ways to travel that are both healthier and better for our environment.  

It includes bus priority measures on SH6 and SH6A, bus lanes on SH6, improvements to the existing Frankton bus hub, improvements to the SH6A/SH6 intersection, pedestrian access improvements across SH6 and SH6A and a new roundabout at Howards Drive.  

Waka Kotahi is working through the planning process and a designation application with QLDC was notified in January.  

NZ Upgrade Programme Queenstown package

SH6/SH8B Cromwell intersection improvements

This single lane roundabout is now open after construction started in February 2022. It will make a busy high-crash rate intersection safer and cater for increasing traffic volumes, generated by strong economic growth in the Cromwell area. 

SH6/SH8B Cromwell intersection improvements

SH94 Homer Tunnel safety improvements

Waka Kotahi is working with the Government’s Crown Infrastructure Partners on implementing $25 million in safety improvements both inside the Homer Tunnel and a new plant room and rock fall shelter at the eastern tunnel entrance.

SH94 Homer Tunnel safety improvements

Maintenance update


Maintenance activity undertaken in Otago during 2022/23

  • Rehabilitation (completely rebuilding the road) – 10.5 lane km
  • Resurfacing (replacing asphalt) – 17.7 lane km
  • Resealing (adding new layer of chipseal) – 254.3 lane km
  • SCRIM resealing (improving skid resistance) – 2.1 lane km
  • Network renewed – 10.7%
  • Total state highway maintenance spend – $44.2m

Maintenance summary infographic for Otago 2022/23 [PDF, 1012 KB]

Planned maintenance for 2023/24

  • Rehabilitation – 13.5km
  • Resurfacing – 16.3km
  • Resealing – 259.8km
  • Percentage of network to be renewed – 10.9%
  • Total state highway spend – $53.9m

Planned maintenance infographic for Otago 2023/24 [PDF, 1 MB]


Maintenance activity undertaken in Southland during 2022/23

  • Rehabilitation (completely rebuilding the road) – 13.9 lane km
  • Resurfacing (replacing asphalt) – 7.4 lane km
  • Resealing (adding new layer of chipseal) – 83.4 lane km
  • SCRIM resealing (improving skid resistance) – 5.2 lane km
  • Network renewed – 6.8%
  • Total state highway maintenance spend – $28.1m

Maintenance summary infographic for Southland 2022/23 [PDF, 852 KB]

Planned maintenance for 2023/24

  • Rehabilitations – 16.3km
  • Resurfacing – 2.0km
  • Resealing – 86.7km
  • Percentage of network to be renewed – 6.5%
  • Total state highway spend – $42.7m

Planned maintenance infographic for Southland 2023/24 [PDF, 1 MB]


Interim State Highway Speed Management Plan

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency sought feedback on its speed management plan for state highways. Submissions closed on 12 December 2022. A decision report will be available mid-2023.

Interim State Highway Speed Management Plan consultation