If you hold a transport service licence (TSL) and apply for heavy vehicle permits, you need to create an account
to manage your permit applications. Only one account can be created for each TSL number.
You can also create a vehicle library to make applying for permits quicker and easier. You must have an account before you can enter the vehicle library information.
You'll need a RealMe login
To create or access an account, you need a RealMe login. It doesn’t need to be a RealMe verified identify.
If you don't already have one, you can set up a RealMe login when you first log in to the portal.
Go to the RealMe login for the heavy vehicle permit portal(external link)
All government agencies must implement identity verification services on digital platforms to meet security requirements. It’s a government requirement for agencies to use RealMe rather than develop our own authentication and identity verification systems.
The first time you log in, you’ll be asked for your name and email address. You'll need to verify your email address and phone number using the Send code button. Then you'll go the new portal dashboard.
Create an operator account
When you create an operator account, you're the administrator or owner and can invite other users. Whoever has oversight of all permitting in the organisation should create the account.
You'll have full permissions in the system to add users, manage permits and save TSL details.
To create an account, you'll need:
- your RealMe login details
- your TSL number (this is 5 or 7 digits long)
- your New Zealand Business Number (NZBN), if you have one.
Set up your account
Permit portal(external link)
- Log into the portal using your RealMe login.
You'll land on the main dashboard.
- Click Create an operator account.
The Operator account registration screen will show.
- Enter your TSL number and click Show details.
Your TSL details will prepopulate.
If your NZBN is already held against your TSL, your business details will prepopulate too.
- If your business details don't prepopulate, enter them manually (including your NZBN, if you have
- Enter your BESS company number if you're applying for overweight permits.
- Click Next.
- Check the details are correct and click Next.
- Read the terms and conditions and check the box to confirm you accept them.
- Click Finish to complete your operator account registration.
Add users to your account
You can invite other users into your Operator account. You must either be the owner or have the Manage Users permission.
People you invite will receive an email invitation with instructions to join and an invitation code. The invite expires after 14 days.
- On your dashboard click View on the Operator account you want to invite people to join.
- Click the User tab.
- Click Invite user.
- Add the email address of the person you're inviting.
- Select the permissions you want to give them. You can choose more than one.
If you don't select any, they'll still be able to see the account, apply for permits, add and edit vehicles, and
update their own user account.
- To invite more people, click Add another user and repeat these steps.
- Click Invite.
Invited users are listed in the Invitations tab with the status Pending. Once they accept the invitation, they'll show in the Users tab.
Join an account you've been invited to
- Log in to the access portal (external link)
- Click the Use invitation code button.
- Enter the invitation code from the email and your email address.
The email address must match the email address the invitation was sent to.
- You'll go to the RealMe portal login.
If you don't have a RealMe, click Create a RealMe login and follow the instructions.
- You'll land on the main dashboard with the Operator account showing.
Create a vehicle library
- From your dashboard, click View on the Operator account you want to save the vehicle under.
- Click the Vehicle library tab.
- Click Add vehicle.
- Enter the plate number and click Find vehicle.
Vehicle details will prepopulate from the Motor Vehicle Register.
- Enter information about your vehicle. Information you add can be used in your permit applications.
- Click Save vehicle to add it to your vehicle library list.
Using and updating your vehicle library
None of the vehicle information fields have to be completed, but adding as many as you can will save time when you apply for permits. These details will automatically show in your applications.
To add more information to a vehicle later, click the 3 dots next to the vehicle record and select Edit vehicle.
Vehicle reference for fleets
If you have a fleet of vehicles, you can identify different classes or groups of vehicles by using the Vehicle reference field.
Enter details like the vehicle fleet number to locate permits relating to this vehicle.
Transferring information from the old portal
Unit details won't be transferred from the old portal.
If you have a lot of vehicles, you may want to wait until a permit falls due before entering the vehicle information.
You're not required to add vehicles to your vehicle library. You can add the vehicle details in when you apply for a permit.
Applying for permits
You'll find the Apply for a permit button on:
- the left hand menu
- the permits tab
- the applications tab.
Apply for a higher mass permit example
Select Apply for a permit.
On each permit page you'll find a Save, Next and Back button.
- Use the Save button when you want to come back to the application later.
- The Next button takes you to the next page and automatically saves the application as well.
- The Back button takes you to the previous page.
Page 1 What permit do you need?
- Select the permit type you need. You can apply for higher mass and overlength together.
- Check the Notes to applicants for any useful information you might need.
- Click the Next button when you're ready.
Page 2 Permit information
- Select the operator account from the dropdown list. If you're not linked to an operator account or you don’t have a Transport Service Licence, click Not linked to an operator account. Then enter your TSL number and click Show details.
- Enter a purchase order or other identifier like a fleet number. This reference will show on your invoice.
- Click the Next button when you're ready.
Page 3 Vehicle combination 1
- Select the vehicle type from the dropdown list.
- Complete the vehicle dimensions fields.
- Select the axle weight flexibility type.
- Enter the plate numbers for the vehicle. If you have a vehicle library you can select the plate numbers from the dropdown list.
- Click the Next button when you're ready.
Page 3 Vehicle combination 2
- Enter the plate numbers for any additional vehicle combinations.
- They must have identical specifications and meet axle and dimension requirements.
- Click the Next button when you're ready.
Page 4 Prime mover information
- Check the details are correct and scroll down to Axle information.
- Make sure you enter information for all axles. If you saved the vehicle in your vehicle library, that information will be used.
- Select the check box if it's a steering axle.
- Complete all the fields for each axle.
Axle spacing is prepopulated from the Motor Vehicle Register (MVR).
- Check the details are correct.
- Click the Next button when you're ready.
Page 5 Route information
Make sure you give us the route details in the right format when applying for your HPMV permit. This helps us process your application faster.
You can use routes from an existing permit.
- Only list the routes you need in addition to the approved full HPMV routes.
Approved HPMV network
- List state highways separately from local roads.
- List local authority roads by councils – even if you're not sure of the boundaries.
- Include destinations for pick-up and drop-off.
Route description template
Detail the start of your route with the exact address or point on the road – be as specific as you can.
Additional state highways
List the additional state highways needed for your route.
Local authority roads by council
List the local authority roads by council needed for your route.
List any destinations for pick-up, drop-off or fuel stop.
Detail the end of your route with the exact address or point on the road – be as specific as you can.
Route description examples
- List any state highways you need in addition to the approved full HPMV network.
SH2: (Pōkeno) from Irish Rd to Okaeria Rd
Local authority roads
- List local council roads separately for each council, even if you don’t know the exact boundaries.
- Include a destination for pick-up, drop-off or fuel stop.
Auckland Transport:
Glenbrook-Waiuku Rd from Glenbrook Rd to Kitchener Rd.
Kitchener Rd from Glenbrook Rd to Masters Rd.
Click Next.
Page 6 Additional information
You can add any other documents or comments to support your application.
Click Next.
Page 7 Review and confirm
- Check all the details are correct. Click Back if you need to go back and change anything.
- You can add another email address if you want the permit to go to someone else as well.
- Read the declaration, then click the check box to declare you're submitting true and correct information.
- Click Submit application.
You'll see a message confirming your permit application is submitted.
Your dashboard will show that you have a permit submitted for approval.
Click Close to return to your dashboard.
Applying for an Overweight Permit
Log into the portal dashboard.
What permit do you need?
Select overweight permit. You can’t apply for any other type along with the Overweight permit.
Check the Notes to applicants for any useful information you might need.
Click Next.
Page 1 Permit information
Select the operator account from the dropdown list.
If you're not linked to an operator account or you don’t have a Transport Service Licence, click Not linked to an operator account or don't have a Transport service licence (TSL)?
If you don't hold a TSL, you can only apply for an overweight permit for a mobile crane, mobile plant or an agricultural vehicle.
Enter business information.
You can enter a purchase order or reference number
Click Next .

Page 2 Vehicle combination
- Select the Vehicle Type.
If vehicle type is ISO container,
- Enter the vehicle combination dimensions.
- Complete the Load description field.
Click the I have a manufacturer’s rating to operate at an alternative weight and speed check box if you want to operate at an alternative weight and speed. Then enter the alternate weight and speed. Click the Select file button in the Manufacturers rating section and upload the manufacturers rating file to support the application.

- Select or enter the combination details.
- If required, click to + Add identical units.
- Click the dropdown to Select unit position.
- Enter the unit information.
- Click Next.
You can add the unit details for each unit when you apply or save the vehicle in the vehicle library and then select the unit to populate your application.
Click the expand arrow next to the Unit heading to see the details from the motor vehicle register (MVR) and your vehicle library.
Click Edit information and enter all unit information.
Click Save.
Do this for all units.
Click Next .
If you miss any required information the Missing information heading will appear against the unit that needs updating. Update the unit information, click Save, then click Next. You’ll go to the next screen once all fields for all units are complete.
Page 4 Route information
- Enter the Route information.
- Select the trip type you need.
For single and multi routes, enter the permit Start and End dates in the fields.
For multiple trips the permit expiry date will default to 28 days. You can change the expiry date but you must enter a reason in the Reason for permit period field.
For Single and Multi trips, you must select if the route is from an existing or new permit.
- If it's from an existing permit, enter the permit or application reference number and select the region you are starting from.
- If it's a new route, enter the starting region and the route Start and End in the fields. Click the Select file button to upload the route information or type any specific road details in the Specify the roads you want to travel on.
For a continuous (area) permit, select the region. A continuous permit is issued for 2 years. You'll need to apply for a separate permit for each region as these permits are region specific.
If you need another region:
- Submit the first continuous permit application.
- Click Duplicate.
- Update the region and any other relevant information.
- Submit the additional application.
- Click Next.
Page 5 Additional information
You can add any other documents or comments to support your application.
Click Next.
Page 6 Review and confirm
Check all the details are correct. Click Back if you need to go back and change anything.
You can add another email address if you want the permit to go to someone else as well.
Read the declaration, then click the check box to declare you're submitting true and correct information.
Click Submit application.
You'll see a message confirming your permit application is submitted.
Your dashboard will show that you have a permit submitted for approval.
Click Close to return to your dashboard.
Quick Access to Permit Applications and Permits
Click My applications in the left-hand menu to view permit applications that you have saved or submitted for all your operators.
Click My permits in the left-hand menu to view permits issued from applications you submitted for all your operators.
Permit Applications for Unregistered Vehicles
You can apply for a Higher Mass or Overweight permit using a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) if your vehicle isn't registered yet. The permit can't be issued until the vehicle has a registered plate number.
You can apply for an Overlength permit with a VIN and a temporary permit will be issued for 1 month.
Edit user details on the permit portal
Log into the portal dashboard.
- Click My profile.
- Click Change contact information.
- Click How to change your password on RealMe if you want to change your login details. Note this will affect all services you use RealMe for.
You'll go to the edit contact information page.
- Click Update email to change your email.
- Click Update phone number to change your number.
A pop-up window will appear.
Enter your email address.
- Click Send code. A code will be sent to the email address.
- Enter the code sent to the email address.
- Click Confirm code.
If you don't receive a code, check your spam/junk folder. Check you've entered the email address correctly and click Send new code.
- Click Done to close the pop-up window.
Using the duplicate function
The portal has a duplicate function you can use to save time. For example, if you have more than 10 combinations to enter then duplicate can help.
The four places you'll find the duplicate button are:
- on the permit application confirmation screen
- in your operator account, where you can view the existing permit applications
- when you open a permit application from your operator account
- when you open a permit from the permit list.
More information
HV permit portal
Download the user guide [PDF, 5.8 MB]
If you need help, contact the NZTA Permitting team.