Check each agent's website for complete details about the services it offers and opening hours. Be sure to phone to confirm opening hours before you visit.
The following pages on the AA and VTNZ websites also provide information for all of their agents.
Driver licensing agents / Bay of Plenty | |
AA Katikati mobile unitKatikati Resource CentreBeach Road Katikati
Freephone: 0800 500 444
AA KawerauKawerau District Council2 Ranfurly Court Kawerau
Freephone: 0800 500 444
AA ŌpōtikiEast Bay REAP93A Church Street Ōpōtiki
Freephone: 0800 500 444
AA Rotorua1121 Eruera StreetRotorua
Freephone: 0800 500 444
AA TaurangaCnr Devonport Road and First AvenueTauranga
Freephone: 0800 500 444
AA Te PukeTe Puke Public Library130 Jellicoe Street Te Puke
Freephone: 0800 500 444
AA Whakatāne6 Victoria AvenueWhakatāne
Freephone: 0800 500 444
Ōpōtiki - Practical testing only93 Church StreetŌpōtiki
Ōpōtiki on-demand practical test site
Hours: Tests are only run at this site when there's enough demand for on-road safety tests. It may take up to 3 months to arrange your test date and time. Go to the link below to request an on-demand test booking.
Te Puke on-demand practical test site
Hours: On Road Safey tests are only run at this site when there's enough demand for on-road safety tests. It may take up to 3 months to arrange your test date and time. Go to the link below to request an on-demand test booking.
VTNZ Fenton Park47 Marguerita StreetRotorua
Phone: 07 348 4876
VTNZ Maleme Street67 Maleme StreetTauranga
Phone: 07 541 0061
VTNZ Mount Maunganui1 Kereiti StreetMt Maunganui
Phone: 07 575 6748
VTNZ Tauranga - Practical testing onlyCnr Ninth Ave & Edgecumbe RoadTauranga
VTNZ Whakatāne11 Te Tahi StreetWhakatāne
Phone: 07 307 0877