What is involved in a basic handling skills test, resources to help you pass one, and where to go to sit a test.

Before applying for a motorcycle learner licence you must pass a basic handling skills test. This test ensures that you have the necessary skills to ride safely on the road once you obtain your learner licence.

Four stages in the test

The basic handling skills test consists of four stages:

  • basic turn and stop
  • figure of eight and park
  • linking figures of eight
  • increased speed and emergency stop

Each stage has various tasks

Each stage is broken down into varying combinations of the following tasks:

  • move off
  • straight ride
  • corner
  • stop
  • park

Each task has assessment items

In completing the tasks above you will be assessed against the relevant assessment items below:

  • looking in the correct direction
  • signalling correctly
  • making head checks before changing position
  • lateral position of motorcycle
  • control of motorcycle
  • using appropriate speed
  • parking observation
  • parking movement.

Talk to your test provider about your training

It is recommended that you discuss with your selected provider any training and practice you may have undertaken. This will help you to determine if you are ready to sit the test, or if you require additional training and practice (your provider will be able to help you with this).

More information about the skills required for a basic handling skills test

Test criteria

Watch detailed information about the test in animated format:

Download the basic handling skills test in written format [PDF, 1.3 MB]

Download Factsheet 28: Learning to ride – getting your motorcycle licence [PDF, 301 KB]

Many basic handling skills providers also offer other safe riding courses. 

Motorcycle basic handling skills providers


Motorcycle basic handling skills providers / Auckland

Benjamin Alexander-Witty


| Mobile: 021 077 0386
Email: b.alexanderwitty@gmail.com

Bike Forever Limited
Harmandeep singh Batra


| Mobile: 021 0233 5438
Email: harmandeepbatra@gmail.com

Bill Cooney


| Mobile: 027 493 9767
Email: billcooney475@hotmail.com

Brian Kerr
Pro Training Services


| Mobile: 021 082 97953
Email: protrain2022@gmail.com

Callan Ries
Passmasters Rider Training


| Phone: 09 947 9409 | Mobile: 021 047 8426
Email: info@passmasters.nz
Website: www.passmasters.nz

Chris Smith

Auckland & Waikato

| Phone: 09 947 9409 | Mobile: 021 023 66503
Email: chris@passmasters.nz

Christopher Sinclair
Passmasters Rider Training


| Phone: 09 947 9409 | Mobile: 027 479 408
Email: info@passmasters.nz
Website: www.passmasters.nz

Conrad Fourie

8 Walter Rodgers Road

| Mobile: 022 495 5403
Email: conrad.fourie72@gmail.com

Damian Woolfall
Ride Cloud 9 Motorcycle Training and Licencing

Auckland Central, North Shore and Hibiscus Coast

| Mobile: 021 664 483
Email: team@ridecloud9.co.nz
Website: www.ridecloud9.co.nz

David Horner
Accelerated Rider Training

Northshore/Takapuna/Auckland, Albany/The Bays

| Mobile: 021 970 648
Email: david@acceleratedridertraining.co.nz
Website: www.AcceleratedRiderTraining.co.nz

Dawn White
Rider Training NZ


| Freephone: 0800 576 273 | Mobile: 021 033 4766 (text)
Email: info@ridertraining.co.nz
Website: www.ridertraining.co.nz

Douglas Swanson

North Shore

| Phone: 09 412 2201 | Mobile: 021 202 0386
Email: dougandjacky@gmail.com

Dugal Matheson
DM Rider Training Ltd

Auckland/Waikato/Bay of Plenty

| Mobile: 021 284 2224
Email: dmridertraining@outlook.com

Glen Leyston


| Mobile: 021 137 3883
Email: glen.leyston@gmail.com
Website: www.motorcyclemastery.nz

Kedar Suvarna
Passmasters Rider Training


| Mobile: 021 02689820
Email: kedar.suvarna@gmail.com

Michael Tang
Riderskills Motorcycle Training


| Phone: 09 418 1911 | Mobile: 021 101 3498

Ming Huang
Moto Ming Ltd


| Phone: 027 516 8887
Email: moto.ming.ltd@gmail.com

Morne De Lange

Auckland West

Paul Laugalis
Absolute Motorcycle Training Ltd

Auckland/Auckland West

| Mobile: 027 4966 029
Email: paul@absolutemotorcycle.co.nz
Website: www.absolutemotorcycle.co.nz

Paul Pavletich
AA Driving School


| Mobile: 021 974 515
Email: ppsm@xtra.co.nz
Website: www.paulpavletich.co.nz

Philip McDaid
Auckland Riderskills


| Phone: 09 555 7374 | Mobile: 021 710 792
Website: www.riderskills.co.nz

Phillip Powell

15 Noble Street

| Mobile: 022 653 2701
Email: phillip@drivetime.co.nz
Website: www.drivetime.co.nz

Pro Rider
Aaron Carr


| Mobile: 027 2624717
Email: office@prorider.co.nz
Website: www.prorider.co.nz

Pro Rider
Blayne Herr


| Mobile: 027 2624717
Email: office@prorider.co.nz
Website: www.prorider.co.nz

Pro Rider
Grant Greenwood


| Mobile: 027 2624717
Email: office@prorider.co.nz
Website: www.prorider.co.nz

Pro Rider
Howard Mansell


| Mobile: 027 2624717
Email: office@prorider.co.nz
Website: www.prorider.co.nz

Pro Rider
Jared Greenwood


| Mobile: 027 2624717
Email: office@prorider.co.nz
Website: www.prorider.co.nz

Pro Rider
Karel Pavich


| Mobile: 027 2624717
Email: office@prorider.co.nz
Website: www.prorider.co.nz

Pro Rider
Karin Gruber


| Mobile: 027 262 4717
Email: office@prorider.co.nz
Website: www.prorider.co.nz

Pro Rider
Kevin Kinghan


| Mobile: 027 2624717
Email: office@prorider.co.nz
Website: www.prorider.co.nz

Pro Rider
Mark Donnelly


| Mobile: 027 2624717
Email: office@prorider.co.nz
Website: www.prorider.co.nz

Pro Rider
Mark Jones


| Mobile: 027 2624717
Email: office@prorider.co.nz
Website: www.prorider.co.nz

Pro Rider
Rebecca Brown


| Mobile: 027 262 4717
Email: office@prorider.co.nz
Website: www.prorider.co.nz

Stephen Potter
Passmasters Rider Training


| Phone: 09 947 9409 | Mobile: 021 479 408
Email: info@passmasters.nz
Website: www.passmasters.nz

Vinodh (Neil) Singh
Competence Zone


| Mobile: 022 098 0602
Email: sinvin25@yahoo.com.au
Website: competencezone.co.nz

Bay of Plenty

Motorcycle basic handling skills providers / Bay of Plenty

Andrew Edgar
Bayride Motorcycle Training


| Freephone: 0800 923 000 | Mobile: 027 817 0104
Email: admin@bayride.co.nz
Website: www.drivewbd.co.nz

Bill Hadley


| Mobile: 0275 743 377
Email: bill@riderqual.co.nz
Website: www.riderqual.co.nz

Callan Ries
Passmasters Rider Training

Bay of Plenty

| Phone: 09 947 9409 | Mobile: 021 047 8426
Email: info@passmasters.nz
Website: www.passmasters.nz

David Bishara
Top Cat Driver Training


| Mobile: 022 645 0091
Email: topcatdrivertraining@gmail.com

Dugal Matheson
DM Rider Training Ltd

Bay of Plenty/Waikato/Auckland

| Mobile: 021 284 2224
Email: dmridertraining@outlook.com

Fergus Edgar
Bayride Motorcycle Training


| Freephone: 0800 923 000 | Mobile: 027 434 6330
Email: info@frt.co.nz
Website: www.frt.co.nz

Mark Revill-Johnson
Revs Motorcycle Training Centre


| Freephone: 0800 687 387
Email: bookings@revs.co.nz
Website: www.revs.co.nz

Neil Stodart
Empowered Journeys


| Mobile: 021 211 5395
Email: empoweredjourneysnz@gmail.com
Website: www.empoweredjourneys.co.nz

Pro Rider
Kevin Kinghan

Bay of Plenty

| Mobile: 027 2624717
Email: office@prorider.co.nz
Website: www.prorider.co.nz


Motorcycle basic handling skills providers / Canterbury

A J Longbottom
AJL Driver Training


| Phone: 03 349 4787 | Mobile: 021 02559192
Email: ajl273trices@xtra.co.nz

Caron Bedwell
CnB (Carz n Bikez) Training Ltd

Christchurch & Timaru

| Mobile: 027 533 2108
Email: training@cnbtraining.nz
Website: www.learntoridemotorcycles.nz

Clive Chapman
LoveMoto Group

Christchurch, Dunedin and Invercargill

| Mobile: 027 421 0123
Email: clive@lovemoto.nz
Website: www.lovemoto.nz

Dan Love
RideRite Motorcycle Training

Christchurch, Timaru and Ashburton

| Mobile: 021 113 6914
Email: info@riderite.co.nz
Website: www.riderite.co.nz

Dan Ornsby
Ornsby Motorcycle Training


| Phone: 03 980 8933 | Freephone: 0508 676 729 | Mobile: 0274 823 510
Email: info@motorcycletraining.co.nz
Website: www.motorcycletraining.co.nz

Glenn Hayward
FBG Performance


| Mobile: 021 275 3824
Email: fbgperformance@gmail.com

Hank Randall
Ornsby Motorcycle Training


| Phone: 03 980 8933 | Freephone: 0508 676 729
Email: info@motorcycletraining.co.nz
Website: www.motorcycletraining.co.nz

Jared Cantlon
Kiwibiker NZ - Motorcycle Training


| Mobile: 027 370 2926
Email: jared@kiwibiker.nz
Website: www.kiwibiker.nz

Jo Woodrow
Ornsby Motorcycle Training


| Phone: 03 980 8933 | Freephone: 0508 676 729
Email: info@motorcycletraining.co.nz
Website: www.motorcycletraining.co.nz

Mary Ann Dunn
2 Drive Safe Rider Training

Canterbury - Christchurch & Rangiora

| Freephone: 0508 863 748
Email: info@2drivesafe.com
Website: www.2drivesafe.com

Mike Flowers
Mainland Motorcycle School


| Phone: 03 974 3136
Email: info@motorcycleschool.co.nz
Website: www.motorcycleschool.co.nz

Neville Cross
Advance Driver and Rider Training

Timaru, Waimate, Ashburton, MacKenzie (subject to numbers)

| Phone: 03 688 3748 | Mobile: 027 6883748
Email: nc@adtnz.co.nz
Website: www.adtnz.co.nz

Pete Daly
Ornsby Motorcycle Training

Christchurch and Rangiora

| Phone: 03 980 8933 | Freephone: 0508 676 729
Email: info@motorcycletraining.co.nz
Website: www.motorcycletraining.co.nz

Phil Johnson
Canterbury Driver Training Ltd (Candrive)

Rangiora, Canterbury and Christchurch

| Phone: 03 313 6567 | Mobile: 027 358 1650
Email: training@candrive.co.nz
Website: www.candrive.co.nz

Steven Orpwood
Ornsby Motorcycle Training


| Phone: 03 980 8933 | Freephone: 0508 676 729
Email: info@motorcycletraining.co.nz
Website: www.motorcycletraining.co.nz

Stuart Knott
Riderite Motorcycle Training


| Mobile: 021 063 4631
Email: stu@riderite.co.nz
Website: www.riderite.co.nz

Trevor Holman
2 Drive Safe Rider Training

Canterbury – Christchurch & Rangiora

| Freephone: 0508 863 748 | Mobile: 022 033 6445
Email: info@2drivesafe.com
Website: www.2drivesafe.com

Trevor Holman
Love Motorcycle Training Ltd

Timaru, Ashburton, Oamaru

| Mobile: 022 033 6445
Email: info@lovemoto.co.nz
Website: www.lovemoto.co.nz

Wayne Girdlestone
Ornsby Motorcycle Training


| Phone: 03 980 8933 | Freephone: 0508 676 729
Email: info@motorcycletraining.co.nz
Website: www.motorcycletraining.co.nz

Quentin McKay

Diamond Harbour, Christchurch

| Mobile: 021 105 9454
Email: quentin@zdtltd.nz


Motorcycle basic handling skills providers / Gisborne

Murray Atkins
Wetrainyou / Uride


| Freephone: 0800 891 375 | Mobile: 0274 574 561
Email: wetrainyou@xtra.co.nz
Website: www.wetrainyougisborne.co.nz

Hawke's Bay

Motorcycle basic handling skills providers / Hawke's Bay

Bruce Franklin


| Phone: 06 839 5899 | Mobile: 021 103 1334

Bruce Porter
Alert Rider Training

Napier, Hastings, Hawkes Bay

| Phone: 06 844 8492 | Mobile: 027 310 6383
Email: bport_tutor@hotmail.com

Ken Nightingale

Hawkes Bay/Napier

| Phone: 06 835 4912 | Mobile: 021 170 1896
Email: kennightingale50@gmail.com

Tom Ewen
Balance Motorcycle Training


Email: Tom@BalanceMotorcycleTraining.co.nz
Website: www.balancemotorcycletraining.co.nz


Motorcycle basic handling skills providers / Manawatū-Whanganui

Daryl McKirdy

Palmerston North

| Mobile: 027 430 6294

Don Mclachlan


| Freephone: 0800 559 462 | Mobile: 027 559 4628
Email: donmclachlan@xtra.co.nz

Glen Christensen
0800 2 wheels

Palmerston North/Whanganui

| Phone: 06 344 4294 | Freephone: 0800 2 WHEELS | Mobile: 027 4832 062
Email: tgtc@xtra.co.nz
Website: www.08002wheels.co.nz


Motorcycle basic handling skills providers / Nelson-Marlborough-Tasman

John Laing
Marlborough Motorcycle Riding School


| Phone: 03 577 6663 | Mobile: 021 08288713
Email: johnlaing.mt@xtra.co.nz
Website: www.motorbikeschool.co.nz

Tasman Motorcycle Training
Jason Howcroft


| Mobile: 021 706 852
Website: www.tasmanmotorcycletraining.co.nz

Tasman Motorcycle Training
Kevin Guthrie

Nelson and Blenheim

| Mobile: 021 238 0553
Website: www.tasmanmotorcycletraining.co.nz


Motorcycle basic handling skills providers / Northland

Rochelle Edwards

| Mobile: 021 827 019
Website: roachmotorcycles.nz

Gregory Fallon


Email: greg.ktmdad@gmail.com

Lance Goulsbro

Northland, Whangarei & Dargaville

| Mobile: 021 147 4344
Email: drivesafelimited@gmail.com

Laurence Anderson


| Phone: 09 404 1274

Moerewa Drivers Licence
Jim Anderson


| Mobile: 027 415 8449
Email: jim300485@gmail.com

Phillip Powell

15 Noble Street

| Mobile: 022 653 2701
Email: phillip@drivetime.co.nz
Website: www.drivetime.co.nz

Pro Rider
Colin Bamforth


| Mobile: 027 2624717
Email: office@prorider.co.nz
Website: www.prorider.co.nz

Pro Rider
Derek Simpson


| Mobile: 027 2624717
Email: office@prorider.co.nz
Website: www.prorider.co.nz


Motorcycle basic handling skills providers / Otago

Brian Frew

Southland & Central Otago

| Phone: 03 230 4326

Dan Love
RideRite Motorcycle Training

Dunedin, Oamaru, Central Otago and Queenstown Lakes

| Mobile: 021 113 6914
Email: info@riderite.co.nz
Website: www.riderite.co.nz

Eddie Gilliland
Ornsby Motorcycle Training

Central Otago

| Phone: 03 980 8933 | Freephone: 0508 676 729
Email: info@motorcycletraining.co.nz
Website: www.motorcycletraining.co.nz

Kaye Rowell
Lakes Driving School


| Mobile: 027 623 3534
Email: kaye@lakesdrivingschool.nz
Website: www.lakesdrivingschool.nz

Margaret Burrell


| Phone: 03 439 5355 | Mobile: 027 256 6018
Email: rbmech@xtra.co.nz
Website: www.rbmdrivertraining.co.nz

Mathew Bailey
Ornsby Motorcycle Training

Central Otago

| Phone: 03 980 8933 | Freephone: 0508 676 729
Email: info@motorcycletraining.co.nz
Website: www.motorcycletraining.co.nz

Simon Richards
Ornsby Motorcycle Training

Central Otago

| Phone: 03 980 8933 | Freephone: 0508 676 729
Email: info@motorcycletraining.co.nz
Website: www.motorcycletraining.co.nz

Trevor Holman
Love Motorcycle Training Ltd

Oamaru, Dunedin, Cromwell & Alexandra

| Mobile: 022 033 6445
Email: info@lovemoto.co.nz
Website: www.lovemoto.co.nz

Warren Joyce


| Phone: 03 454 4184 | Mobile: 027 485 1695
Website: www.dunedindrivingschool.co.nz

Wynn Owen
Riders Motorcycle Training

Dunedin & Otago

| Mobile: 021 157 1057
Email: info@motoriders.co.nz
Website: www.motoriders.co.nz


Motorcycle basic handling skills providers / Southland

Brian Frew

C/- Drivetech Limited, 156 Long Bush-South Road, RD1, Invercargill

| Phone: 03 230 4326 | Freephone: 0508 237483
Email: info@drivetech.co.nz
Website: www.drivetech.co.nz

Eddie Gilliland
Ornsby Motorcycle Training

Southland - Invercargill - Winton

| Phone: 03 980 8933 | Freephone: 0508 676 729
Email: info@motorcycletraining.co.nz
Website: www.motorcycletraining.co.nz

Love Motorcycle Training Ltd
Debbie Cooper

Invercargill and Gore

| Mobile: 022 033 6445
Email: info@lovemoto.co.nz
Website: www.lovemoto.co.nz


Motorcycle basic handling skills providers / Taranaki

Caron Bedwell
CnB (Carz n Bikez) Training Ltd


| Mobile: 027 533 2108
Email: training@cnbtraining.nz
Website: www.learntoridemotorcycles.nz

Don Mclachlan


| Freephone: 0800 559 462 | Mobile: 027 559 4628
Email: donmclachlan@xtra.co.nz

Ian Lanfear
Lanfear Driver & Rider Training

133 Powderham Street, New Plymouth 4310

| Phone: 06 759 6959 | Freephone: 0800 333 390 | Mobile: 027 759 6959
Email: ian.lanfear@xtra.co.nz

Lance Munroe
Academy of Motorcycling

New Plymouth

| Phone: 06 755 1656 | Mobile: 027 436 7573
Email: lancemunroe@gmail.com
Website: academyofdriving.co.nz

Peter Gulliver


| Phone: 06 278 8180 | Mobile: 021 454 439


Motorcycle basic handling skills providers / Waikato

Callan Ries
Passmasters Riding Training


| Phone: 09 947 9409 | Mobile: 021 047 8426
Email: info@passmasters.nz
Website: www.passmasters.nz

Chris Smith

Waikato & Auckland

| Phone: 09 947 9409 | Mobile: 021 023 66503
Email: chris@passmasters.nz

Colin Manion
King Country Driver Training

43 Bell Road
Taumarunui 3994

| Phone: 07 896 6607 | Mobile: 027 295 9704
Email: c.manion@xtra.co.nz

Conrad Fourie

8 Walter Rodgers Road

| Mobile: 022 495 5403
Email: conrad.fourie72@gmail.com

Denise Harris


| Mobile: 021 177 6494

Denise Harris, Scott Harris
Choice Driver Training


| Mobile: 021 177 6494
Email: denscott@hotmail.co.uk
Website: choicedrivertraining.co.nz
Alternative phone 021 150 4439

Dugal Matheson
DM Rider Training Ltd

Waikato/Bay of Plenty/Auckland

| Mobile: 021 284 2224
Email: dmridertraining@outlook.com

Ian Davison


| Mobile: 021 916 653
Email: ian.a.davison@gmail.com

Joshua Norquay
PassMasters/Biker Buddy


| Mobile: 021 184 3979
Email: bikerbuddy.josh@gmail.com
Website: www.bikerbuddy.co.nz

Malcolm Outterside


| Mobile: 027 2870024
Email: eastcoast.automotive@xtra.co.nz

Mark Revill-Johnson
Revs Motorcycle Training Centre


| Freephone: 0800 687 387
Email: bookings@revs.co.nz
Website: www.revs.co.nz

Oscar Ketchlove


Email: oscar@rideacademy.co.nz
Website: www.rideacademy.co.nz

Phillip Powell

15 Noble Street

| Mobile: 022 653 2701
Email: phillip@drivetime.co.nz
Website: www.drivetime.co.nz

Pro Rider
David Bishara


| Mobile: 027 2624717
Email: office@prorider.co.nz
Website: www.prorider.co.nz

Pro Rider
Howard Mansell


| Mobile: 027 2624717
Email: office@prorider.co.nz
Website: www.prorider.co.nz

Pro Rider
Jared Greenwood


| Mobile: 027 2624717
Email: office@prorider.co.nz
Website: www/prorider.co.nz

Pro Rider
Karel Pavich


| Mobile: 027 2624717
Email: office@prorider.co.nz
Website: www.prorider.co.nz

Pro Rider
Keith Fletcher


| Mobile: 027 262 4717
Email: office@prorider.co.nz
Website: www.prorider.co.nz

Pro Rider
Kevin Kinghan


| Mobile: 027 2624717
Email: office@prorider.co.nz
Website: www.prorider.co.nz

Pro Rider
Scott Miller


| Mobile: 027 2624717
Email: office@prorider.co.nz
Website: www.prorider.co.nz

Steven Gane

Te Awamutu

| Mobile: 027 412 5000

Wayne Holden
Holden Driver Training


| Freephone: 0800 855 7521 | Mobile: 027 444 5816
Email: holdendrivertraining@hotmail.com
Website: www.holdendrivertraining.co.nz


Motorcycle basic handling skills providers / Wellington

Andrew Templeton
Roadsafe Motorcycle Riding Techniques Limited


| Phone: 04 232 0110 | Freephone: 0800 237 623 | Mobile: 027 245 9510
Email: admin@roadsafe.co.nz
Website: www.roadsafe.co.nz

Byron Cummins

Lower Hutt

| Mobile: 021 139 1337
Email: byron@cernz.co.nz
Website: www.rightwaydriving.co.nz

Don Mclachlan


| Freephone: 0800 559 462 | Mobile: 027 559 4628
Email: donmclachlan@xtra.co.nz

Garry Hardgrave


| Phone: 06 370 9010 | Mobile: 027 6433 133

Giles Sullivan
Rightway Driving Academy (Kapiti) Ltd

Kapiti Coast

| Mobile: 027 431 1529
Email: rightwaykapiti@gmail.com
Website: www.rightwaydriving.co.nz

Keith Savage
Stephens Driving School Ltd

Lower Hutt

| Freephone: 0800 425 423 | Mobile: 021 2467769
Email: info@stephensdrivingschool.co.nz

Lynne Templeton
Roadsafe Motorcycle Riding Techniques Limited


| Phone: 04 232 0110 | Freephone: 0800 237 623 | Mobile: 027 434 9038
Email: admin@roadsafe.co.nz
Website: www.roadsafe.co.nz

Peter Hookham
Rightway Driving Academy (Kapiti) Ltd

Kapiti Coast

| Mobile: 021 537 294
Email: rightwaykapiti@gmail.com
Website: www.rightwaydriving.co.nz

Ross Gratton
Two Bald Bikers

Lower Hutt

| Freephone: 0800 560 022
Email: ross@twobaldbikers.co.nz
Website: www.twobaldbikers.co.nz

Shaun Webb

Lower Hutt

| Mobile: 027 533 2934
Email: shaun@cernz.co.nz

Stuart Nelson
Two Bald Bikers

Lower Hutt

| Freephone: 0800 560 022
Email: stuart@twobaldbikers.co.nz
Website: www.twobaldbikers.co.nz

West Coast

Motorcycle basic handling skills providers / West Coast

Jason Howcroft


| Mobile: 021 706 852
Website: www.tasmanmotorcycletraining.co.nz

Robert Stanger


| Mobile: 027 323 6066