From today the speed limit on the Tauranga Eastern Link Toll Road (SH2) and the Cambridge section of the Waikato Expressway (SH1) is 110km/h.
The tolled section of the Tauranga Eastern Link can safely support the 110km/h speed limit, with median-barriers, no crossing roads or tight curves, and two lanes in each direction
NZ Transport Agency Director of Safety and Environment Harry Wilson says this is a significant milestone for people driving New Zealand’s roads.
“These are two of the best roads in New Zealand that can safely support the 110km/h speed limit, with median-barriers, no crossing roads or tight curves, and two lanes in each direction.
“Not all roads are created equal, and any additional roads being considered for the 110km/h speed limit will require full technical reviews of the safety aspects of the road, and any proposed new speed limits will be subject to public consultation. This enables communities and stakeholders to contribute to decisions that will help make travelling by road safer, more predictable and therefore more efficient. Speed limits can also be lowered on roads using the same process.
“It’s important that people remember that all speed limits are the maximum speed – they are not the minimum, and they are not a target. At many times the safe speed for travel will be lower than the posted limit.
“The increasing number of deaths on our roads is unacceptable and we’re working with other agencies to create a safe transport system which is more forgiving of human error. For some roads this will likely result in current speed limits being reduced to improve safety,” Mr Wilson says.
For heavy vehicles and vehicles towing the current 90km/h speed limit applies on 110km/h roads. These roads have at least two lanes in each direction, so other road users should be able to safely and easily pass slower-moving vehicles.
The Transport Agency is urging drivers to keep an eye out for the advisory signage which alerts drivers to the beginning and end of the 110km/h sections and keep in the left lane if not passing.
The 110km/h section for the Tauranga Eastern Link Toll Road is between the Paengaroa roundabout and the Domain Road interchange, and for the Cambridge section of the Waikato Expressway it is between the Cambridge Southern and Tamahere interchanges.