2025 planned maintenance closure dates confirmed for State Highway 2 Remutaka


If you are a regular user of State Highway 2 Remutaka Hill, there are important dates you need to put in your diary.

Roxanne Hilliard, Wellington Alliance Manager, says dates are confirmed for planned night closures for the first half of 2025

“We are getting these dates out as early as possible, so people know exactly what is happening and when. The sooner people know, the sooner they can plan ahead.”

“If you travel over the Remutaka Hill regularly, please make sure these dates are in your diaries and calendars,” Ms Hilliard says.

State Highway 2, Remutaka Hill, planned night closures. January – June 2025:

Nights Closed

Start 9 pm

Finish 4 am


23 February

28 February


9 March

10 March


6 April

11 April


18 May

19 May


15 June

16 June

Ms Hilliard says the good news is there will be far fewer closures compared to the 31 that were scheduled for the same period last year.

“Road crews made the most of the nine weeks of night closures that were needed to fix an underslip on the Featherston side of the hill  between October and early December. As well as fixing the slip, they used the closure to complete a wide range of other maintenance jobs – road resurfacing, rock scaling, drainage works, clearing vegetation, and repairing and replacing signs.”

“It means we need fewer week-long night closures next year, which we hope will be good news for drivers. It will mean fewer disruptions for them,” Ms Hilliard says.

The closures are timed to avoid as many major events as much as possible and Ms Hilliard says this is carefully planned.

“We know night closures are disruptive and that’s why we try and avoid having them during school holidays, or when there are major local events on like the Wairarapa Wine Harvest Festival or the Martinborough Fair.”

“Most importantly, there will be no closures over the period when the Wairarapa Rail Line will be closed for maintenance. It means the Remutaka Hill will be open and available for expected heavier traffic volumes,” Ms Hilliard says.

Because highway over  Remutaka Hill is narrow and windy, there is often not enough space to  accommodate traffic and maintenance equipment. Full closures mean maintenance works can be finished faster and are safer for road crews. It also reduces traffic management costs.

Important information for Remutaka Hill closures:

  • Escorted crossings are available during closure nights but must be booked in advance. We always communicate well before planned closures and provide contact details so bookings can be made.
  • Bookings can be made online on the Waka Kotahi website -
    Remutaka Hill Closure Escort Booking Form(external link)
  • Bookings are essential - drivers who turn up without one risk being turned away. If you have a genuine emergency on the night, the hill manager will decide how best to help you.
  • The escorted crossings are for light vehicles only. To keep our contractors safe, heavy vehicles cannot be accommodated.
  • Full access is always available for emergency services.

More information about planned maintenance closures for Remutaka Hill can be found on our website:
