Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency is calling for tenders to construct two safer intersections at Walnut Avenue in Ashburton as part of the NZ Upgrade Programme.
Ashburton is one of three growing rural town centres in Canterbury – as well as West Melton and Tinwald – to benefit from the $34 million package.
The Walnut Avenue intersections project includes replacement of existing roundabouts at the intersections of SH1 and Walnut Avenue and Walnut Avenue/ East Street, a new rail level crossing and improved pedestrian and cycling facilities.
Proposed intersections on State Highway 1 Walnut Avenue, Ashburton.
It is one of 20 major projects Waka Kotahi is delivering for the government’s NZ Upgrade Programme (NZUP) and will be the first in the South Island/Te Wai Pounamu to get under way.
Waka Kotahi Director Regional Relationships Jim Harland says the improvements will help provide safer crossings for cyclists and school children and the ability for larger vehicles to cross these intersections with greater ease.
“Coordination of both sets of traffic signals with the railway barriers will make the intersection safer for all road and rail users,” Mr Harland says.
Construction is expected to begin around June 2021 and will take about 18 months to complete.
Walnut Avenue intersection improvements
The New Zealand Upgrade Programme (NZUP) includes a range of transport projects to get cities and regions moving, save lives and boost productivity. The programme is already supporting jobs and the economy, with about 700 people developing projects around the country and getting them ready for construction.
New Zealand Upgrade Programme – Transport: Canterbury package