The NZ Transport Agency says motorist need to watch out for surface flooding and debris on several roads following heavy rain in the West Coast region over the last 24 hours.
Rain is still falling, although a weather warning for the region has been cancelled.
SH6 the Haast Pass was closed yesterday by a debris flow that spilled over the road and blocked the Prospectors culvert, about 30km east of the Haast township.
Currently debris is being cleared in the Fox Hills area and there doesn’t appear to be any serious road damage. The actual slip that closed the highway yesterday in this area was at Paddys Creek and contained about 500 cubic metre of debris.
Both lanes of SH67 from Westport to Karamea are now open but drivers still need to watch for area of surface flooding and debris.
Flood water pouring under the SH6 Waiho River Bridge in south Westland.
For the latest information on what is happening on the state highways: phone 0800 4 HIGHWAYS 0800 44 44 49 or visit the website: link)