Next week there will be a new road layout on State Highway 1/3 outside RNZAF Base Ohakea as the temporary roads get set to open.
Two temporary roads have been built around the construction site at the intersection of Pukenui Road and the state highway. Crews have been working hard to get these roads sealed and open amid challenging wet weather conditions.
In addition, crews will be installing a temporary roundabout on SH1/3 overnight on Tuesday 29 August. This temporary roundabout allows for people to safely turn from the state highway into the new Pukenui Temporary Road (on the western side of the state highway).
Traffic management including a temporary speed limit of 30km/h will be in place while these night works are carried out, however, Stop/Go traffic management is not required. Motorists are advised to take care while travelling through the site at night as there will be additional crews working on site.
Road users are being reminded to drive to the conditions as they get used to the new road layout.
Waka Kotahi expects to be able to open both temporary roads, on either side of the existing state highway, during next week.
The western temporary road, which will be used primarily by Defence Force staff to enter and exit Base Ohakea, is expected to open on the morning of Wednesday 30 August. Once opened, the old Pukenui Road intersection will be closed.
The second temporary road (on the eastern side of the state highway) will be sealed early next week, with the aim of opening this road to the public by the end of next week. These sealing works are weather dependant, and if wet weather occurs, they’ll be moved to the next fine day.
Once the second temporary road is opened, all traffic travelling on SH1/3 between Bulls and Sanson will be rerouted from the current highway and onto this temporary road.
The purpose of this temporary road layout is to keep traffic steadily flowing around the construction site at Pukenui Road where the new double-laned permanent roundabout is being constructed.
The layout also allows for crews to be safely separated from state highway traffic while the permanent roundabout is being built. These roads will look and feel just like it does when travelling on a normal state highway, and they will be in place until the new roundabout has been completed in mid-2024.
Waka Kotahi wants to thank all motorists for their understanding while the road layout changes and this construction work continues.
SH1/SH3 Bulls to Sanson project page
Temporary road layout.