People will see an increase of activity between Cambridge Road and Wairoa Valley as enabling works get underway and investigations continue for Takitimu North Link Stage One.
It’s another step closer to the new four-lane expressway and shared walking and cycling path that will provide better transport choices for the area’s growing population and thriving economy.
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency Regional Manager Infrastructure Delivery Jo Wilton says site crew will be highly visible over coming weeks.
“Fulton Hogan/HEB Joint Venture were awarded the design contract in May 2021 and have progressed site investigations, technical assessments and detailed design.
“Before we start construction, we need to carry out a number of essential enabling works and archaeological investigations.
“Enabling works involve vegetation and tree clearance, including the clearance of some kiwifruit orchards, building site access tracks and storage areas, and the relocation of utility services,” says Ms Wilton.
“Investigations and surveys will continue to tell us what exactly is in the area and how the new road may affect the environment.
“There are several rich areas of archaeological interest to look at, freshwater surveys to be carried out, the relocation of native lizards and skinks, and setting up monitoring for native birds and bats.
“We are committed to working with our communities and partners to minimise the impact work has on our sensitive and important ecosystems and the creatures already living in the area.”
When complete, the new four-lane expressway will provide people with more options and prioritise public transport.
“The shared walking and cycling path will give people more choice on how they want to travel around the western Bay of Plenty,” says Ms Wilton.
The property phase of the project has made significant progress and the construction contract is expected to be awarded in December 2021.
The project is funded through the Government’s $8.7 billion New Zealand Upgrade Programme. Communities can look forward to transport improvements that provide better travel choices and help people get where they’re going safely. The programme will also help grow our economy, while responding to the impacts of travel on the environment and supporting housing.
To find out more, or to sign up for updates about the project, visit:
Beca Ecologist Jessica Schofield (left) and Fulton Hogan/HEB Joint Venture Environmental Manager Stephanie Kirk (right) checking the fyke nets (a type of fish trap) and recording species found along the Takitimu North Link Stage One alignment.