Fatality crash north of Mangaweka, Manawatū-Whanganui region, SH1, major detour for travellers


A fatality car crash before 1 pm today, north of Mangaweka on SH1, will involve two hours or more detour for SH1 road users through the Manawatū-Whanganui region, says NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA).

The Police Serious Crash Unit will be investigating the causes of the crash and the highway could remain closed for several hours into the evening.

People are encouraged to delay their travel today north of Wellington if possible through this area.

SH1 is closed between Waiouru and Marton, with the alternative route on SH4 via Whanganui adding more than two hours to the journey time.


Southbound traffic heading towards Wellington use SH49 from Waiouru to Tangiwai and Tohunga Junction, then SH4 and SH3. Reverse for northbound travellers.

NZTA thanks all drivers for being patient on the detour route, which will be busy. If people can delay travel today that will help ease congestion on the detour route.
