Final closure of State Highway 2 for bridge beams lift planned for 5 September


The final set of three bridge beams for the new Haywards Interchange on State Highway 2 will be placed on the night of Monday 5 September, completing a major milestone for the elevated roundabout.

The final set of three bridge beams for the new Haywards Interchange on State Highway 2 will be placed on the night of Monday 5 September, completing a major milestone for the elevated roundabout.

On Monday 5 September, State Highway 2 will be reduced to one lane each way, just north of State Highway 58, from around 6.30pm. The placement of the 70-tonne reinforced concrete beams will require a series of rolling approximately 30-minute road closures on State Highway 2 from 10pm through the early hours of Tuesday morning (6 September). The road will be open as normal from 5.30am.

High winds are the only weather conditions which will prevent the bridge beam lifts going ahead as planned.

An additional four beams will be used for the pedestrian overbridge linking Annabell Grove to Manor Park railway station, however this can be constructed without the need for full road closures. This work is now expected to take to place in October.

The interchange is scheduled to be complete in June 2017.

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