Update 9.15 am, 12 May 2016
The highway between Hector, north of Westport, and Karamea is again open to traffic but down to one lane after heavy rain caused flooding and debris washouts in several places last night. The road reopened to single lane at 8 am today.
There were multiple washouts between Hector and Mohikinui, NZ Transport Agency contractors report and the highway was closed north of Hector overnight.
"Minor slips up the Coast Road have been cleared but we are aware more rain has been forecast for later this morning,” said Lee Wright, NZ Transport Agency Journey Manager. “Drivers are urged to take care near machinery and crews clearing the road. Visibility may be poor.”
Check this map(external link) on the Transport Agency's Traffic and Travel web pages for updates of the area: http://www.nzta.govt.nz/traffic/regions/12(external link).
Last night’s debris slip at Mussel Point, north of Seddonville.
Stormy weather is expected across the South Island today and drivers of high-sided vehicles and motorcyclists are warned to take care along State Highway 1, Kaikoura to Blenheim and State Highway 7, Springs Junction to Hanmer Springs (Lewis Pass).
Related news: 11 May, 2016, media release on closure of State Highway 67(external link).