People who use the road between Wanaka and Tarras, State Highway 8A, may experience some disruptions from next week. Strengthening work on the Luggate (Red) Bridge from Tuesday, 20 June, will require a day’s full closure to enable the scaffolding to go in place, followed by work at night to minimise disruption to road users.
Luggate (Red) Bridge
“Strengthening the timber deck on the 102-year-old bridge, which crosses the Clutha River, will take up to a month to complete. The works involve installing additional timber beams under the deck and replacement of up to 650 bolts,” says John Jarvis, Senior Network Manager, NZ Transport Agency. The cost of this work is around $135,000.
The bridge will be closed for the first day at the start of the works on Tuesday, 20 June, for scaffolding to be installed underneath the bridge. Detours will be in place via Camp Hill Road. Drivers will be re-directed with electronic message boards.
The strengthening will then be completed at nights over a three to four week period again with detours in place during the hours of 8pm to 6am on weeknights Monday to Thursday. The bridge will also be opened on the hour every hour for drivers who are happy to wait or time their journey for the top of the hour overnight.
At the end of the project, around mid-July, the bridge will again be closed during the day to allow removal of the scaffolding, with the same detour in place via Camp Hill Road.
“People will need to build in extra time on their journeys as delays can be expected for the duration of the project,” says John Jarvis.
Meanwhile work continues on the approach to the bridge with the installation of new safety barriers costing a further $90,000. This is being completed in conjunction with the strengthening works.
The Transport Agency thanks everyone for their patience and for taking care while this important safety work on the Red Bridge is completed.
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