As part of its annual minor safety improvements programme, NZ Transport Agency crews will soon begin working at a number of intersections on State Highway 60 in Tasman District, Three Brothers Corner to Mapua turn-off, Mapua Drive.
Work will start at Pukeko Lane and will include a new right turn bay off SH60 (see diagram below), changes to road surface markings at Lansdowne Road and Mapua Drive intersections and a roadside safety barrier near Research Orchard Road.
Work will be carried out during the daytime with a small amount of night work to minimise traffic delays. Road users around Pukeko Lane are most likely to be aware of these works.
The Transport Agency thanks everyone for slowing around areas of temporary speed reductions while this work is completed before winter.
New right hand turn bay into Pukeko Lane
Pukeko Lane is north-west of Appleby, Tasman District