Motorists urged to take extra care at Warkworth intersection


Motorists are being urged to take extra care and watch for changes to the layout of the SH1 Hill Street intersection in Warkworth as the NZ Transport Agency progresses with works to improve safety and traffic flow through the area.

The right turn from SH1 into Hill Street will be permanently closed on Monday 1 December.

Removing one movement from the traffic light sequence will give more 'green time' to other, more frequent movements at the intersection and improve efficiency. The removal will also provide the space needed for work crews to widen the southbound approach to the intersection. 

Motorists wishing to access Hill Street from SH1 are asked to follow a new signposted route via Hudson Road and Falls Road. 

"We are urging drivers to be patient at the intersection and drive with extra care as people adjust to the new layout.  We appreciate the ongoing support of the community. The contractors Wharehine are on track to complete all the improvements before Easter 2015," says the Transport Agency’s Highway Manager Brett Gliddon.

“Shoulder closures will remain in place during construction and some stop/go traffic management will be required.  Drivers are asked to take care at all times for their safety and that of the road workers.”

The improvements include:

  • widening the northbound approach on SH1 and increasing the capacity of the right-turn lane into Matakana Road by extending it back to the intersection with Shoesmith Street [this was completed before Labour Weekend]
  • widening the corresponding southbound approach, which will add some capacity for traffic turning left into Matakana Road [currently under construction to be completed before Christmas]
  • removing the southbound right turn lane from SH1 into Hill Street [closed from 1 December] 
  • a new wider shared path on the western side of SH1 for pedestrians and cyclists [construction to start early 2015]
  • improving the connection between Sandspit Road and Elizabeth Street [early 2015].

Information about the interim improvements at Hill Street is available on the project website at link)

The graphic below shows how the intersection will look when work is completed by Easter 2015:

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For more information please contact:

Jan McCarthy
Acting Auckland/Northland Media Manager
T:  09 928 8720
M:  021 427 442
