Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency is installing traffic signals for pedestrians and road users at Motueka’s Tudor St/ High St intersection.
Work on the western side is nearly completed. Work on the Tudor Street side of High Street starts on Wednesday, 9 March and goes through to Friday, 25 March.
“To keep everyone safe over the three weeks, we will need to close the lanes in and out of Tudor Street from High Street,” says Andrew Adams, Senior Project Manager for Waka Kotahi. (See map below)
A detour will allow people to get to the businesses and houses on Tudor Street, including Mitre 10.
The entrance/exit from High Street to Tudor Street will be open for weekends from Friday evenings until Monday mornings.
“There will be gravel surfaces and temporary speed restrictions and people should expect a slightly longer journey along High St,” says Mr Adams.
The week after the intersection is reopened, there will be night works to finish the asphalt, road markings and traffic light sensors, which will involve stop/go traffic management overnight from 7pm – 5am.
Signs, road islands, and plantings are about to be installed at the new roundabout at the intersection of High St, King Edward St and Old Wharf Road.
Crews will be busy between 7 March until early April, combining both day and night work.
This noisy activity involving several different machines and a water blasting unit will take place around Monday 28 March, at night. Residents will get confirmation closer to the date.
Mr Adams asks everyone to take care around these sites while the work is being completed and keep an eye out for signs.
Tudor Street detour
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