Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency crews will be working on the Weld Pass, (SH1 in Marlborough), for five nights at the end of September. Drivers will be allowed through every two hours overnight.
UPDATE: Night closures Weld Pass, SH1, Blenheim: postponed – 16 September 2021, 4.36pm |
The maintenance work will run from Monday, 20 September through to Friday night, 24 September, 7pm to 6am the next day. Weld Pass is a winding section of SH1 (see aerial view below).
Drivers will be allowed through every two hours with a ten to 15-minute window for single lane traffic each way.
After the 7pm closure, the first opening will be at 9pm, then 11pm, 1am, 3am and 5am. Full opening at 6am.
Waka Kotahi thanks all drivers who may be inconvenienced by this work and encourages everyone to plan for the opening times if they can. Traffic will be queued up at each end between opening times.
Electronic mobile signs will advertise the closures at each end i.e near Blenheim at the Roadhouse entry and in Seddon as well as fixed signs in other places.
An aerial view of SH1 Weld Pass.
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