ONRC Performance Measures milestone


The much-awaited provisional performance measures for the customer levels of service for the One Network Road Classification (ONRC) have been signed off by the Road Efficiency Group (REG).

The Governance Group of the Road Efficiency Group at their August meeting in Wellington. From left, Jenny Chetwynd (NZTA), Paul Glucina (Director, REG), Jim Harland (NZTA), Vaughn Crowther (ONRC Performance Measures Development Manager), Julie Muir (Central Otago District Council), Brian Roche (REG Chair), David Darwin (NZTA), David Brash (NZTA), Malcolm Alexander (LGNZ), David Fraser (LGNZ), Tony McCartney (Auckland Transport).

The Governance Group of the Road Efficiency Group at their August meeting in Wellington. From left, Jenny Chetwynd (NZTA), Paul Glucina (Director, REG), Jim Harland (NZTA), Vaughn Crowther (ONRC Performance Measures Development Manager), Julie Muir (Central Otago District Council), Brian Roche (REG Chair), David Darwin (NZTA), David Brash (NZTA), Malcolm Alexander (LGNZ), David Fraser (LGNZ), Tony McCartney (Auckland Transport).

The result of more than six months’ development work, the performance measures are the final piece in the jigsaw of the ONRC. 

REG Director Paul Glucina was delighted that the REG Governance Group endorsed what had been produced and fleshed out in two rounds of workshops attended by hundreds people from local authorities, advocacy groups, the NZ Transport Agency and consultancy firms.

Paul says the next stage of the project involves working with road controlling authorities to apply the performance measures to their roading network.  This, he says, may result in some amendments to the provisional measures which was always anticipated.

“Now that the development work for the ONRC is all but complete, the implementation phase kicks off in earnest,” says Paul.  “The application of the provisional performance measures will run in parallel with a number of other initiatives designed to assist road controlling authorities to embed the ONRC in their systems.”

Local Government New Zealand, with support from the NZ Transport Agency, is setting up a Road Transportation Unit (RTU) that offers assistance and guidance for local authorities. 

Information on the ONRC can be found on the REG web pages.
