People driving south of Nelson towards Murchison on SH6 could face delays up to 30 minutes at a time from this week, says Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency.
An abseiling crew will be working at an area* between the Owen River Bridge and Kawatiri Bridge through to the end of April.
“A slip late last year destabilised the rock face,” says Andrew James, System Manager Waka Kotahi Top of the South. “We did some rock scaling work before Christmas to stabilise the site for holiday travellers. We now need to work on the areas flanking the original slip to reduce further the risk of slips and rockfall.
“Vegetation will be removed, trees felled and rocks will be bolted into place in coming weeks. We appreciate people building in extra time while this work is underway.”
Work will be under way Monday to Saturday, 7am – 6pm. Outside these hours the site will be managed with traffic signals with a 30km/hour speed limit.
Abseilers above SH6, near the Owen River, at an area called Granity Narrows.*
The gold road cone in the middle of the map to the east of the Owen River is where this slip remediation safety work is happening.
SH6 Between Owen River Bridge and Kawatiri Bridge (Granity Narrows) live updates(external link)
*The area is called Granity Narrows or Granity Rapids by local people.
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