A $3.2m project to rebuild parts of the seawall at Opononi and improve the resilience of State Highway 12 in Northland has started.
NZ Transport Agency Northland System Manager Jacqui Hori Hoult says the seawall has suffered recent erosion in several places which is threatening SH12.
“It will take about five months to reconstruct the seawall at six locations to minimise the effects of scouring and erosion along the foreshore.”
Access along SH12 will be maintained during construction with a temporary 50km/h speed limit through the work area.
“There may be periods of disruption to residents and road users while this work is carried out. We apologise in advance for the additional noise. The work will be carried out in daytime hours Monday to Saturday.”
“It is an important route for the local community as it’s the only coastal road connection between businesses and schools in the towns of Opononi and Omapere.”
SH12 is a key part of the Twin Coast Discovery Route and improving the transport network here will make travel for visitors and locals safer and easier, as well as enabling future growth and development of the region.
Work is under way to repair the seawall at Opononi on SH12 to minimise scouring and erosion along the foreshore
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