Reminder: Fixing State Highway 6 – road rebuilding begins on Whangamoa Saddle


Due to a scheduling change the start date for these works has been delayed by a week with work now starting on Monday, 9 December.

Contractors will begin establishing onsite near Graham Stream next week (from Wednesday, 4 December) but the impact on road users during this time will be minimal.

The road reconstruction work is scheduled to be completed by Friday 20 December.

Update 26 November 2024

A planned road rebuild for State Highway 6 Whangamoa Saddle is set to begin next week.

Contractors will be onsite near Graham Stream for two weeks from Monday, 2 December, with work to be completed by Friday, 13 December, ahead of the busy holiday period.

Contractors will remove the existing road surface before building it back up and re-laying a new material with added cement to create a more resilient and long-lasting pavement.

The work will be done during the day from Monday to Saturday, 7 am to 5:30 pm, under stop/go traffic controls. Drivers will need to factor in around 10-minute delays through this site.

Temporary speed limits will be in place 24/7 while the repairs are underway and drivers must factor this, as well as delays from other roadworks sites on the route, into their travel plans.

People driving between Nelson and Blenheim should allow an extra 45 minutes for their journey. This is especially important for people with medical appointments in Nelson or Blenheim or those with Picton ferry connections.

While this work will be finished before the Christmas/New Year’s Holiday, more repairs are planned on the route next year.

Contractors will return to State Highway 6 Whangamoa Saddle in February to complete more maintenance work under a night closure. Updates will be provided when the schedule is finalised.

Works schedule

  • The work site is located on SH6 near Graham Stream in the Whangamoa Saddle between Hira and Rai Valley.
  • Work is from Monday, 2 December, to Friday, 13 December 2024.
  • Working hours: 7:00 am to 5:30 pm, Monday to Saturday (no night-time work or work on Sundays).
  • Stop/go controls and a 30km/h reduced temporary speed limit in place during work hours. Expect delays of up to 10 minutes at this site but allow an extra 45 minutes travel time on SH6 between Nelson and Blenheim due to other work sites.
  • A 30km/h reduced temporary speed limit will remain in place outside of work hours.

Summer maintenance season - tips and advice:


