Reminder: SH1 at Karāpiro 4 day closure in January


A reminder for State Highway 1 (SH1) road users that SH1 at Karāpiro, south of Cambridge, will be closed for 4 days in January for maintenance and repair work.

The closure is between Karāpiro Road and SH1/29 at Piarere from midnight on Sunday 19 to midnight Thursday 23 January 2025.

All traffic will need to take detours or alternative routes to avoid the area. The full closure is the safest and most efficient way to complete the work required.

During the works, contractors will lay 42,000m2 of chipseal and apply a second seal on barrier areas and shoulders. They will also carry out works at the intersection with Maungatautari Road, and general maintenance such as mowing and sign repairs.

All properties within the closure and sideroads leading to it will have access maintained but delays are expected. Vehicles will be grouped and piloted through the site on the following schedule:

  • Northbound from near the SH1/29 roundabout: Leaving on the hour.
  • Southbound from Karāpiro Road: Leaving on the half hour.
  • People coming from sideroads will join the convoy as it passes their road.

All visitors and service providers can join this piloted access when they are visiting a property within the closure. 

Emergency services will have full access through the site at all times.  

Detour routes

While access to properties within the closure will be maintained, all other traffic should use the detours:

  • Karāpiro Road/Taotaoroa Road/SH29 in both directions with a speed restriction of 70km/h.
  • State highway traffic and freight will be encouraged to use SH26/SH27.  HPMVs and over-dimension loads also need to use SH26/SH27. This will add approximately 50 minutes to journeys.
  • Inter-regional traffic will be encouraged to use other routes like SH2/SH27 to the east of the closure. This will add approximately 18 minutes to journeys.

Traffic presenting at the stacking points at the north and south of the works area will not be turned around and can join the piloted convoys.

Following the resealing, the road will reopen with a 70km/h temporary speed limit.  Rollers and sweeping will take place before the road opens, but it will still need traffic on it at a reduced speed for up to a week for chip to bed in completely.

As always, work is weather dependent and any changes will be updated on Journey Planner. link)
