Next week, Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency will be resurfacing a section of SH6/Queen Elizabeth II Drive in Nelson from Trafalgar Street roundabout east towards the 80km/50km/hour speed signs.
Work will be carried out between 9am and 3pm from Tuesday, 29 March to Friday, 1 April. Lane closures and slower speeds will be in place, and traffic staff will help manage vehicles, particularly at the QEII roundabout.
“Road users could experience up to ten-minute delays, but we will do our best to keep these as short as possible,” says Waka Kotahi Journey Manager Tresca Forrester. “We are hoping to keep the longer delays to Tuesday and Wednesday.”
The overall work is expected to take three to four days and involves resurfacing of the existing road with a chip seal finish. Sweeping up the loose chip and line marking will follow the sealing.
This work is weather dependent so if it rains, it could be pushed out.
State Highway 6, QEII Drive east of the Trafalgar Street roundabout.
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