Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency is closing State Highway 7 at Omoto from 5 pm tonight after continuous heavy rain on the West Coast accelerated the landslide’s movement this afternoon.
Photo taken this morning at the landslide site where crews have maintained a safe single lane for four days.
The highway was re-opened 24/7, single lane with traffic management, mid this week, subject to weather and safety considerations forcing a closure at short notice.
Today’s heavy rain has seen the slip east of Greymouth moving at between 40 and 50 mm an hour this morning and up to 100 mm an hour this afternoon, says Moira Whinham, Maintenance Contract Manager for the Transport Agency on the West Coast.
The highway will be re-assessed at 10 am Saturday.
People should check the web site link for an update on whether it will be open or closed, largely dependent on whether the rain keeps up, says Ms Whinham.
The detour route is via Taylorville, with the turnoffs at Stillwater and Cobden bridges on the north side of the Grey River.
Thanks to all road users for taking it slowly on the local road detour, particularly through Taylorville, she says.
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