Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency this morning closed SH63, the St Arnaud highway in Marlborough, after continuous rainfall raised the Wairau River’s levels, overtopping onto the highway.
Around 200 metres of highway is currently under deepening water, making it too deep to drive through safely, says Braeden Lobb, Maintenance Contract Manager, for Marlborough Roads/ the Transport Agency.
“Tasman Journeys has closed the road at Korere-Tophouse/SH63 intersection. Crews are also closing the road at Kowhai Point Campsite, on the east side of The Wash bridge, and placing a soft closure (ie residents will be allowed access to their properties but not through traffic) before the Waihopai River bridge, near Fareham Lane,” says Mr Lobb.
This closure is likely to continue into Wednesday due to more rain forecast today in the area.
Please check this link for updates: https://www.journeys.nzta.govt.nz/traffic/roadclosures/285181(external link)
Water from the Wairau River overflowing onto SH63 this morning from The Wash bridge, the St Arnaud highway in Marlborough.
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