Tauranga Eastern Link: SH2 traffic diversion


The NZ Transport Agency advises motorists that a traffic diversion will be in place tonight and tomorrow night on State Highway 2 (SH2) at the Mangatawa interchange between Te Maunga and Bruce Road.

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Between 7pm and 6am on both nights the contractor will be working to put in place the bridge barriers and constructing the bridge deck.

All eastbound traffic (Tauranga to Te Puke) will be diverted via the Mangatawa interchange off and on ramps to then re-join SH2.

A temporary 50km/h speed restriction will be in place although the Transport Agency does not anticipate any delays to peoples’ journeys.

The Transport Agency thanks motorists for their patience and understanding.


For real time information on highway conditions and incidents visit www.nzta.govt.nz(external link) call 0800 4 HIGHWAYS or follow @nztawaibop on twitter.

For personalised information about driving conditions on their frequently used routes, motorists can check out and sign up to On The Move at www.onthemove.govt.nz.(external link)

For more information please contact:

Natalie Dixon
Waikato / Bay of Plenty Media Manager

T: 07 928 7908
M: 021 928 413
E: natalie.dixon@nzta.govt.nz
