Updated at 5pm: State Highway 73 on the Otira Gorge is now open again, with rivers and creek levels dropping rapidly across the West Coast and the sun coming out.
A number of roads on the West Coast are now open, albeit to one lane in places, after the significant flooding of the past two days, says the NZ Transport Agency.
State Highway 6 through South Westland will remain closed at the Waiho River, between the Fox and Franz Josef townships, until the bridge is replaced in the next week to ten days.
People are urged to take care and be patient and expect a longer than usual journey for everyone’s safety, says Pete Connors, Transport Agency System Manager.
Surface flooding is clearing in most places but people still need to take care as crews and residents clean up.
SH6, near Franz Josef at an area called Canavans: the Waiho overtopping the stopbank:
State Highway 73 on the Otira Gorge is now open again, with rivers and creek levels dropping rapidly across the West Coast and the sun coming out. (As at 5pm Wednesday)
Check this link http://www.journeys.nzta.govt.nz/traffic/regions/12(external link)
The highway north of Greymouth between Barrytown and Westport was opened earlier today.
The Lewis Pass is the link between Canterbury and the West Coast currently.
https://www.westlanddc.govt.nz/(external link)
https://www.facebook.com/westlanddistrictcouncil/(external link)
https://www.wcrc.govt.nz/our-region/river-level-and-rainfall/Pages/default.aspx(external link)
http://data.wcrc.govt.nz/cgi-bin/HydWebServer.cgi(external link)
https://www.metservice.com/warnings/severe-weather-warnings(external link)