There are still a few months to go until the Muldoon's Corner safety improvements on the Rimutaka Hill Road are completed, but traffic is already getting its first taste of the new road alignment in its entirety as the NZTA gets to work laying chipseal.
The NZ Transport Agency is making excellent progress with a track up to the crest of the Manawatu Gorge slip site, and heavy equipment is due to begin work next week attacking the unstable slope from the top down.
The NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) will start repairs next week on a pier affected by scouring that resulted in the night time closures of the Waitaki Bridges on State Highway (SH82) on Thursday and Friday of last week.
The NZ Transport Agency has made some changes to the posted Saddle Road detour route through Ashhurst to improve traffic flow and safety, and is thanking motorists and residents for their patience and understanding as the adjustments are made.
The NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) is using floodlighting to monitor scouring at a pier on the Waitaki Bridges on State Highway (SH82) near Kurow, allowing the bridges to open overnight from tonight.
Traffic is flowing smoothly through Auckland's Victoria Park Tunnel, which opened at 4.48am today – three months earlier than scheduled. By 9am an estimated 10,000 vehicles had used the tunnel.
The NZ Transport Agency advises of the following closures for motorway improvements. Closures start at 9pm and finish at 5am, unless otherwise stated. Work delayed by bad weather will be completed at the next available date, prior to Friday, 18 November.
With fine weather forecast for most of the weekend the NZ Transport Agency is looking forward to carrying out the final road works needed to connect the Victoria Park Tunnel with State Highway 1 and opening the tunnel to two lanes of traffic on the morning of Monday 14 November - three months ahead of schedule.
The NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) says the overnight closure put in place last night on the Waitaki Bridges on State Highway (SH82) near Kurow will be extended until at least Monday (14 November).
The New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) says motorists are now enjoying a smoother ride on the northbound section of State Highway 1 (SH1) on Crawford Street in Dunedin.
The NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) is closing the Waitaki Bridges on State Highway (SH82) near Kurow overnight (Thursday 10 November/Friday 11 November) following scouring at one of the bridge piers.
The NZ Transport Agency has announced the next phase of its plan of attack to secure the unstable hillside that has closed State Highway 3 through the Manawatu Gorge for more than 80 days.
In just five months since the launch of the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) safe teen driver campaign, more than 24,000 'unique visitors' have picked up information from the NZTA's[] website.