Archive - this information is for reference only and no longer maintained.

This page relates to the 2021-24 National Land Transport Programme.


We (Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency as investor) expect approved organisations and Waka Kotahi (for its own activities) to use a structured and planned approach to road network management. Forward work programmes and budgets for road operations, maintenance and renewals to cater for all modes must be derived from:

  • network inventory and condition information
  • a regular field inspection programme
  • a robust treatment selection process
  • funding affordability considerations.

Approved organisations and Waka Kotahi (for its own activities) must be able to demonstrate how the proposed road operations, maintenance, renewal and improvement activities optimise the delivery of customer levels of service on a whole-of-life cost basis for their road networks.

This page sets out guidance on the requirements for programmes which will assist in their development, assessment and prioritisation.

Details held by the responsible organisation

Details of road operations, maintenance, renewal and improvement activities must be held by the organisation responsible for the programme.

Such evidence for individual sites must be provided on request to demonstrate the value-for-money reasons for selecting the mix, timing of activities and choice for delivery of the activities.

List of details

The details to be held by the responsible organisation include, as appropriate:

  • the location and description of the works
  • the relationship to any relevant business case or activity management plan (AMP)
  • candidate prioritisation and treatment identification information
  • historic maintenance and cost information for the past 10 years
  • general network and customer levels of service assessment considerations
  • analysis of network performance against the Road Efficiency Group’s (REG) One Network Road Classification (ONRC for 2021–24) or One Network Framework (ONF for 2024 and beyond) performance metrics and peer groups
  • cost appraisal appropriate for the activity undertaken including (but not limited to) cost benchmarking against peer groups, whole-of-life cost analysis, and benefit and cost appraisal.

Activity management plans

An AMP prepared by approved organisations and Waka Kotahi (for its own activities) is a key supporting document for an investment proposal for National Land Transport Fund (NLTF) investment from either the local road or state highway maintenance activity class.

Local road and state highway maintenance

AMPs should reflect the expectations of the Local Government Act 2002 (approved organisations) and also meet the expectations set out in the Land Transport Management Act 2003. These AMPs are considered by us to be the equivalent of a programme business case. The guidance on the role of AMPs in the business case process applies. A well-designed AMP will fulfil the role of both strategic case and programme business case for the road operations, maintenance and renewal programme.

How do activity management plans support the submitted road operations, maintenance and renewal programme request?

The AMP should be aligned with Waka Kotahi investment policy and sector best practice, including appropriate levels of evidence and analysis to support the approved organisation’s submitted programme. At a minimum this includes:

  • clear problem and/or opportunity statements that need to be addressed. In relation to the problem/opportunity statements the following evidence and analysis is required:
    • consequences of not addressing the problem(s) or opportunity and the urgency, for example 0–3 years, 3–10 years, 10 years +
    • link to performance against gaps in ONRC / ONF customer levels of service
  • clear articulation of how the AMP responds to government and regional priorities
  • demonstration of how alternatives and options have been considered in the development of the preferred programme of activities set out in the AMP (including both asset and non-asset solutions) to achieve the outcomes sought
  • benefits identification and analysis including the Waka Kotahi benefits management framework and the REG ONRC / ONF outcomes and measures. This includes long-term trends that impact on the network's customer levels of service
  • strategic drivers that consider Waka Kotahi planning documents
  • confidence the local funding share will be available to support the submitted programme
  • appropriate procurement approach to deliver value for money in the short, medium and long term
  • emerging procurement-related issues and opportunities, or outstanding issues have been identified.

We expect there to be a clear linkage between the recommendations in the approved organisation’s and the Waka Kotahi (for its own activities) AMPs, the requested funding and the defined quantities of works for each work category in the road operations, maintenance and renewal programme.

In particular, we will consider the robustness and completeness of:

  • asset information systems (including condition information)
  • underlying assumptions
  • decision-making processes
  • optimisation analysis
  • risk assessment
  • asset management strategies.
  • responses to previous Waka Kotahi audit findings.

Network management

Consideration should be given to changes from national and regional levels of service targets relating to road user satisfaction, safety and asset preservation as set out in the Waka Kotahi Maintenance guidelines for local roads or as otherwise agreed with us.

Maintenance guidelines for local roads

In particular, consider:

  • trends in performance monitoring measures undertaken for the transport network
  • how the trends are proposed to be addressed in the road operations, maintenance and renewal programme.

Quality assurance

Consideration should be given to:

  • quality assurance processes, including the field verification of maintenance treatment decisions and technical audit recommendations
  • close monitoring on reinstatement of services relocation activities.


Consider innovation in sustainable practices when selecting materials, maintenance methods and all other inputs to the submitted programme.

Negotiation process

In addition to the long-term planning undertaken for the development of programmes, we recognise there may be additional issues that can lead to changes in road operations, maintenance and renewal requirements.

Our investment advisors will discuss these issues as part of the regular liaison with approved organisations and Waka Kotahi (for its own activities) to review and optimise programmes and also during the investment assessment and prioritisation process to inform the Waka Kotahi approved allocation for each maintenance programme as published in the relevant National Land Transport Programme.

Differences in levels of service

We determine the three-year approved allocation for an organisation’s maintenance programme taking into account regional negotiations, and national benchmarking of performance on both a level-of-service and cost performance basis.

Where approved organisations and Waka Kotahi (for its own activities) wish to maintain a maintenance activity to a higher standard than that agreed in the negotiation process, the portion of expenditure receiving funding assistance will be based on the expenditure required to achieve the agreed standards and intervention levels.

Where approved organisations and Waka Kotahi (for its own activities) wish to maintain a maintenance activity to lesser standards and intervention levels than Waka Kotahi guidelines, funding assistance will be based on the least expenditure. If the lesser standards and intervention levels cause deferred maintenance, we reserve the right to not financially assist any future cost greater than the equivalent least cost on a whole-of-life cost basis.