Multiple significant weather-related slips closed SH1 Mangamuka Gorge in August 2022. NZTA is working at pace to keep people moving on the Far North roading network, with the aim of creating reliable, safe roads that better withstand weather events. The road reopened on 20 December 2024.
Located in Te Tai Tokerau Northland, the Mangamuka Gorge is an essential route for both locals and visitors. However, the gorge has faced repeated closures due to severe weather-related damage. The most recent closure began in August 2022 following a major weather event that caused 15 significant slips, six of which were deemed critical, and almost all required complex engineering solutions.
Further weather events, combined with a record amount of rainfall in 2023, led to additional slips, added complications to existing slip sites, and increased the scope of work. The total number of slips more than doubled to 36, with 16 deemed critical. This subsequently resulted in the initial works programme being extended.
The team has worked at pace to restore this vital connection, overcoming challenging geology and difficult terrain. The repair effort has been a massive undertaking, involving extensive engineering work, including reinforced concrete piles anchored deep into the maunga (mountain), improved drainage systems, and environmental considerations to protect local wildlife.
The project has worked closely with local hapū from the outset, with representatives and workers being a key part of the project and delivery teams. At its peak, approximately 75% of the workforce and many of the suppliers were from the local community, underscoring the project’s significant connection to the region.
The road reopened on Friday 20 December 2024, reconnecting whānau, friends, businesses, and communities. It ended long detours and restored essential access to services. The reopening brings significant relief to the communities impacted by the closure, restoring this critical economic and social lifeline with a safe and reliable state highway network.
Emergency response – completed
Recovery – nearing completion
*Note: the costs are rounded figures. The estimated total cost is $204 million.
Close*Note: the costs are rounded figures. The estimated total cost is $204 million.