In September 2012, we sought community views on the current use, features, and issues associated with the existing Old Māngere Bridge. We also sought views on key features people would like to see in the replacement bridge. Community feedback helped us develop a draft design concept for the Old Māngere Bridge replacement, which we presented to the community as part of the next phase of engagement in 2014. From this engagement, and subsequent engagement with mana whenua, we have designed a replacement bridge that reflects people’s views, and incorporates the community’s shared heritage, stories and values.

The final reports on past engagements can be found online, and are summarised below:

Initial consultation: 2012

Waterlea School workshop

Waterlea School workshop.

We received nearly 1500 responses to our 2012 consultation, testament to the value that the Onehunga and Māngere Bridge communities place on the old bridge.

At this initial consultation stage, we had no designs or concepts to show people. We were seeking the community’s feedback to help us better understand how people use the bridge and how they would like to use the replacement bridge in the future.

As well as community consultation, we talked to key stakeholders such as interest groups and people in the wider community. We also held workshops with children at some local schools to learn how children use the old bridge and how they would like to use the new bridge.

See our Education portal(external link) to find out more, including some of the imaginative ideas from the children at Waterlea Primary School.

A full version of the 2012 consultation report [PDF, 7.6 MB] is available, and a summary of people’s responses to questions is shown below.

Responses to questions

  •   What do you like about the old bridge?

    The most commonly raised feature was access – that is the harbour connection for the Māngere Bridge and Onehunga Bridge communities that easily connects people and facilities on either side.

    The second most commonly raised feature was history and/or character.

    Coming in third was the bridge’s uses as a multi-purpose recreational facility.

  •   What don’t you like about the old bridge?

    The single most common response was that the bridge looks and feels run-down, tired and untidy, and surfaces are uneven and pot-holed.

    The second most common feature related to safety and structural concerns.

    The third most common response was that there is nothing about the current bridge that people didn’t like. This was an explicit response from 10% of respondents, as opposed to leaving the question blank.

  •   What do you mostly use the old bridge for?

    Recreational walking was the most popular response, 34% of respondents said this is what they mostly use the bridge for.

    Cycling came in next with 24% of respondents indicating this activity.

    12% of respondents cited walking and cycling to the shops.


Follow-up consultation: 2014

We used feedback from the 2012 consultation to develop a draft design concept for a bridge to replace the Old Māngere Bridge. In July/August 2014, we presented this draft design concept to the community, seeking the community’s thoughts on the design. We received 175 responses via an interactive feedback wall at an information open day, as well as 43 responses via email and feedback form.

A full version of the 2014 consultation report [PDF, 11 MB] is available, and a summary of feedback is shown below.


Feedback was varied, covering a wide range of topics and opinions. Overall, people were positive about the design concept proposed, and felt it addressed many concerns and requests made in previous feedback. The community indicated a desire for a bridge that provides a safe and useable space that is not only a connector, but also a valuable destination with a strong sense of culture and heritage.

  •   Cyclist issues

    This was the most common topic with issues including:

    • separation of cyclists from other bridge users
    • managing the speed of cyclists
    • the width of the bridge
    • hazards for cyclists.
  •   Water and harbour access/use

    As the fourth most common topic, comments included:

    • the desire to get closer to the water from the bridge
    • conflicts between fishermen/fishing lines and those using the water under the bridge
    • access to the upper harbour for vessels.
  •   Other topics

    Other common topics raised included:

    • features of the proposed design, and aspects of the bridge
    • width and space – enough space for activities (including cycling and fishing) to be undertaken comfortably and safely
    • security / safety – concern about anti-social behaviour
    • small motorised vehicle access – desire to manage scooters on the bridge and a local traffic option that avoids the motorway
    • maintenance issues with the current bridge (such as litter, toilets and lighting)
    • ability to host markets and events on or near the bridge
    • connectivity to cycleways and walkways in the area and between townships
    • ability for safe/easy walking.
  •   How feedback has been used

    We have used feedback from the 2014 consultation to further refine the design of the bridge. The design now reflects the views of the community, mana whenua, and stakeholders in features such as:

    • deck furniture – form and position
    • bays for fishing
    • lighting and other safety improvements
    • inclusion of shared mana whenua stories and values
    • inclusion of community and children’s stories
    • re-use of parts of the old bridge to preserve its history (where possible).


Pre-construction engagement: 2019

Since 2014, our engagement focused on working with mana whenua to incorporate shared heritage, stories and values into the design of the bridge.

We re-engaged with the community over five events in August to share more information and show how the feedback gathered during earlier rounds of consultation helped shape and influence the final bridge design before construction started on the site.

Community engagement report – August 2019 [PDF, 1.3 MB]

Construction engagement: 2020 to 2022

Throughout construction of Ngā Hau Māngere, we engaged with and kept community updated via a range of methods. This included written communications, presentations, videos, meetings and open days.

To view more, visit the news and media page:

News and media(external link)