The project includes a new bridge crossing at Wairoa Awa (river), an overbridge interchange at Minden Road / Te Rangi tua nehe, underpasses at Cambridge Road and Wairoa Road, a new west-bound single lane connection from Fifteenth Avenue to Takitimu Drive Toll Road, and a northbound flyover and southbound bypass lane at the SH29 interconnection/interface.

It includes 10 bridges that cross over or under the corridor totalling 1.6km of the 6.8km alignment, made up of 45 spans and approximately 12km of piles, they range in length from 20m to 360m and in height from 6m to 25m.

This is a large infrastructure project which involves facing complex issues over a period of time before, during and after construction. Known impacts on Takitimu North Link Stage 1 are indicated below.

  • Escalation variance – Increases in material and labour costs. This continues to be volatile and subject to change.
  • Property acquisition and COVID-19 – Delay contract award due to completion of property acquisition and archaeology investigations due to COVID-19.
  • Property – Higher than expected property costs.
  • Other cost changes – Project design refinements for stormwater and drainage construction requirements.
  • Delays to land access.

The first two construction seasons have been impacted by property acquisition, COVID-19 related delays to the programme of archaeological work, a record-breaking summer for rainfall and delays to land access. The impact of these collective issues has been assessed and our current target date for completion is 2028.

Cambridge Road Overbridge

artist version of overbridge concept

The Cambridge Road is now complete. The bridge has been constructed using a top-down construction method, this means the bridge is built on the current ground alignment and then we excavate underneath for the new road.


Wairoa Awa (river) Bridge

artist version of river bridge concept

The Wairoa Awa (river) is the most significant natural feature of the alignment, and of cultural importance. The awa provides access to some of the best parks and recreation opportunities.


Te Rangi tua nehe / Minden overbridge

artist version of overbridge concept

This interchange is a collection of 4 bridges providing on and off ramps. Planting will complement the orchards on the western side, and the gully on the east. Wetland swales will treat stormwater coming off the bridge. Te Hakao stream is an area of cultural significance as it is an important tributary that links the mouth of the Wairoa River to Te Rangi tua nehe (Minden). 


Concept map

Stage 1 Tauranga to Te Puna concept map [PDF, 1.2 MB]

Stage 2 Te Puna to Ōmokoroa

4 way intersection with vehicles

We are progressing to protect the route for Stage Two of the project between Te Puna and Ōmokoroa. This project has been identified in the draft Government Policy Statement on land transport (GPS 2024) as a Road of National Significance.

Roads of National Significance

Stage 2: Te Puna to Ōmokoroa


Help build the Takitimu North Link

construction machine at work with double rainbow in the background

Want to work on the Bay of Plenty’s biggest roading projects under construction? Contractors Fulton Hogan and HEB Joint Venture are looking for crew.

For more information contact