
Displaying 31 - 40 results of 1158 for ""

Research Report 648 A pilot study to determine the relative value of non-market transport impacts of investment

Category: Economic development , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

This research project examined whether a single new survey, and analysis of the data, could be used to obtain robust values for the monetary value of statistical life, prevented injuries, travel time savings, trip reliability and congestion.

Research Report 643 Drivers’ response to warnings/information provided by in-vehicle information systems (IVIS)

Category: Safety, security and public health , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

The purpose of the research was to provide an analysis of drivers’ use of IVIS, smartphone applications and nomadic devices and their likely effects on driver performance.

Analysis of piled bridges at sites prone to liquefaction and lateral spreading in New Zealand

Category: Structures (bridges & culverts) , Research & reports | Audiences: Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

This report presents a summary of the outcomes of a follow-on project to a research project commissioned by the NZ Transport Agency that culminated in the publication of research report 553 The development of design guidance for bridges in New Zealan…

Advanced bus solution: final report

Category: Public transport , Planning, design, funding, building, maintenance of the transport network , Guidance for specialists , Research & reports | Audiences: Communities, General, Local & regional government, Road traffic engineers & consultants

The objective of the ‘Advanced Bus Solution’ (ABS) study was to provide the details of a preferred advanced bus solution for central access and city to / from the Airport that provides the opportunity for a step change in current service levels: the …

Research Report 639 Technology related transport skill requirements and availability

Category: Transport demand management , Research programme , Research & reports | Audiences: General, Land developers

This paper reports an assessment of skills gaps and training needs likely in 2035 for New Zealand, resulting from the technological change from implementation of intelligent transport systems (ITS) in land transport.

Research Report 636 Speed limit reductions to support lower SCRIM investigatory levels

Category: Safety, security and public health , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

This report details a framework for rationally arriving at economically justifiable operating speed reductions to compensate for the inability to achieve recommended levels of skid resistance on high-risk curves.

Research Report 635 Pavement maintenance patch trials

Category: Activity management , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

There is anecdotal evidence that pavement maintenance patches fail within a few years and research was undertaken to develop a framework for predicting the life of patches to enable asset managers to choose the right treatment to give the life requir…