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Category: Vehicle certification , Forms | Audience: Vehicle inspectors & inspecting organisations
Application form to become a warrant of fitness inspector for agricultural machines, tractors, forklifts, and heavy vehicles exempt from CoF.
Category: Vehicle certification , Forms | Audience: Vehicle inspectors & inspecting organisations
Application to become a warrant of fitness inspector – adding inspection group to an existing authority.
Category: Vehicle certification , Forms | Audience: Vehicle inspectors & inspecting organisations
This form is used to apply for an exemption from frontal impact standard requirements.
Category: Vehicle certification , Forms | Audiences: Certifiers, Motorists, Vehicle inspectors & inspecting organisations
This form is to be used when applying for an exemption from Land Transport vehicle Rules.
Published: April 2022
Vehicle certification
| Audience:
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi is responsible for ensuring that vehicle inspection and certification is carried out in accordance with the Vehicle inspection requirements manual (VIRM) and Land Transport Rules.
Category: Vehicle certification , Forms | Audience: Vehicle inspectors & inspecting organisations
This form is used when applying to become a Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency vehicle inspector for the issuing of warrants of fitness (WoF).
Category: Vehicle certification , Forms | Audience: Vehicle inspectors & inspecting organisations
Application to become a warrant of fitness inspector for light motor vehicles.
Category: Vehicle certification , Forms | Audience: Vehicle inspectors & inspecting organisations
Application to become a warrant of fitness Inspector for alternative fuels.
Category: Vehicle certification , Forms | Audience: Vehicle inspectors & inspecting organisations
This form is used to apply for an exemption from frontal impact standard requirements.
Category: Vehicle certification , Forms | Audience: Vehicle inspectors & inspecting organisations
This form is used to apply for a left-hand drive exemption for vehicles that have been approved for by MotorSport NZ being compliant with the eligibility criteria and exemption conditions as agreed to by the Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency and MotorS…