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Published: 1 January 2008
Statistics & surveys
| Audience:
Road traffic engineers & consultants
The Road Network Trends Wizard allows you to: look at annual statistics, works completed, condition, use and costs - for local roads and State Highways look at trends or comparisons at a national / regional / local level obtain a copy of the raw data…
Published: 30 June 2004
Nationwide statistics
Statistics & surveys
| Audience:
Rail participants
Trespasser accidents represent a major proportion of deaths and injuries on New Zealand’s railway corridor.
Category: Statistics & surveys | Audience: General
As part of Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency’s commitment to open data, information on New Zealand driver licences has been supplied below.
Published: December 2023
Nationwide statistics
Statistics & surveys
| Audience:
New Zealand rail safety statistics covering rail accident deaths and serious injuries, vehicle collisions, level crossing events, SPAD As (Signals Passed at Danger), derailments, and contextual indicators.
Published: January 2008
Nationwide statistics
Statistics & surveys
| Audience:
Monthly average daily traffic (MADT) reporting enables us to provide a month-by-month indication of traffic trends, and to allow the effects of specific events (eg storms, fuel price shifts, economy) to be monitored.
Published: January 2017
Nationwide statistics
Statistics & surveys
| Audience:
Monthly warrant of fitness (WoF) and certificate of fitness (CoF) inspection volumes by region.
Published: August 2024
Nationwide statistics
Statistics & surveys
| Audience:
Local & regional government
The NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi has completed an analysis of anonymised data for the Total Mobility scheme 2019–2024.
Published: October 2016
Nationwide statistics
Statistics & surveys
| Audience:
Local & regional government
The state highway system accounts for about 12% of New Zealand’s roads and around half of the 40 billion vehicle kilometres New Zealanders travel each year.
Published: 18 December 2018
Statistics & surveys
| Audience:
Road traffic engineers & consultants
Weigh-in-motion (WiM) data has been collected at six locations on the state highway network.
Published: January 2017
Nationwide statistics
Statistics & surveys
| Audience:
Information on the number of vehicles that have had a change of registered person each month, including by vehicle type and sales type.