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Research Report 222 Natural hazard risk management for road networks: part II: implementation strategies

Published: | Category: Natural hazard risk management , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

Road networks are lifelines for the community and are essential for the economic and social well-being of New Zealand. Significant natural hazard events can cause widespread damage to transportation networks, leading to significant repair costs to road controlling authorities, access difficulties for emergency services and disruption to road users and the community at large.

To improve the resilience of the road network to natural hazards, risk management is required. This report, part II of a research study, develops methods of implementing natural hazard risk management at five levels: national, regional, local network, emergency management and project development. The responsibility for implementation is discussed, together with the need for an integrated approach between the five levels. Project risk evaluation is illustrated through examples of risk economic analysis at project and link levels.

Road funding policies have a significant influence on risk management. Suitable amendments to funding mechanisms to encourage and facilitate risk management at all levels are discussed.

Keywords: natural hazard, New Zealand, roads risk, (risk) management, policy

Publication details

  • Author:
  • Published: 2002
  • Reference: 222