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Research Report 588 Why are some urban traffic signals much less safe than others?

Published: | Category: Safety, security and public health , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

Research undertaken to inform the High risk intersections guide showed there was a higher risk of death and serious injury at some urban signalised intersections than at other intersections using the same control types. The reasons why some urban signalised intersections are less safe than others are not well understood. The research presented in this report compares urban signalised intersections with good safety performance with those that perform poorly to understand the reasons for their differences.

The environmental, physical and operational factors identified as contributory factors to poorer safety performance are determined qualitatively in this research. The results of the research will assist practitioners by:

  • identifying factors or combinations of factors that should be implemented or avoided to enhance safety outcomes
  • specifying potential safety issues when designing urban signalised intersections
  • providing an indication of the likely reduction in fatal and injury crashes when installing remedial treatments at urban signalised intersections.

Keywords: crashes, intersection, road safety, safety, signalised intersection, signals, traffic lights, traffic signal, urban intersection, urban signals

Publication details

  • Author:
  • Published: September 2016
  • Reference: 588
  • ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-478-44598-5