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Research Report 643 Drivers’ response to warnings/information provided by in-vehicle information systems (IVIS)

Published: | Category: Safety, security and public health , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

The purpose of the research was to provide an analysis of drivers’ use of IVIS, smartphone applications and nomadic devices and their likely effects on driver performance.

We examined the effects of a speed advisory IVIS presented on a mobile phone on the driving performance of 123 participants in the University of Waikato driving simulator.

We also conducted a New Zealand-wide survey (n = 1,017) of drivers to examine the prevalence of, and frequency with which, drivers used a range of in-vehicle apps and systems.

The speed advisory IVIS, designed according to best practice guidelines, improved compliance with the posted speed limits and did not impair driving performance or distract drivers.

The survey found that drivers most frequently used in-vehicle audio systems and navigation devices, and a small but significant number reported using hand-held mobile phones.

Although many drivers had access to a speed advisory application, only a quarter of those with access reported receiving speed-related warnings, and of these half were ignored.

Given the potential safety benefits, and no detectable negative effects of a properly designed speed advisory IVIS on driving performance, the key challenge is to encourage drivers to use IVIS that improve safety.

Keywords: distraction, in-vehicle information system/s (IVIS), intelligence speed assistance/adaptation (ISA), mobile phone, nomadic device, prevalence, warning

Publication details

  • Author:
  • Published: June 2018
  • Reference: 643
  • ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-98-856102-8