
Displaying 11 - 20 results of 944 for ""

Research Report 521 An investigation into the deployment of an advisory ISA system in New Zealand

Category: Research & reports | Audience: General

Excessive and inappropriate speed on our roads is a significant issue in New Zealand, and loss-of-control crashes, on rural curves in particular, are a key crash contributor.

Research Report 520 National long-term land transport demand model

Category: Economic development , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

This report describes a national long-term land transport demand model (NLTDM) for evaluating transport demand scenarios looking out 30 years and taking account of mega-trends in: population growth dynamics spatial demographic trends technology trend…

Research Report 052 Unsealed road condition rating system for RAMM: literature review

Category: Integrated land use and transport systems , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

International literature on unsealed road condition rating systems was reviewed in 1993-94, with the objective of recommending to Transit New Zealand a system suitable for use on unsealed roads in New Zealand.

Research Report 518 Econometric models for public transport forecasting

Category: Economic development , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

This paper presents the findings from an econometric analysis of public transport patronage growth for a selection of New Zealand cities: Auckland, Wellington, Hamilton and Tauranga.

Research Report 517 Use of roadside barriers versus clear zones

Category: Safety, security and public health , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

This report summarises research carried out in 2011–12 to quantify the effects of roadside barriers and clear zones on mitigation of run-off-road crash numbers and crash severity for New Zealand road and roadside characteristics through statistical a…

Research Report 515 The effect of rainfall and contaminants on road pavement skid resistance

Category: Environmental impacts of land transport , Research programme , Research & reports | Audiences: Communities, General

This research project, which was undertaken between 2003 and 2006, aimed to improve the understanding of the effect that environmental factors (eg rainfall and detritus) have on the variation of measured skid resistance, both in the short and longer …

Research Report 512 The New Zealand accessibility analysis methodology

Category: Sustainable land transport , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

This research considers land use and transport accessibility drawing on international practice from the UK, Europe, USA and Australia.

Safe school travel plan coordinators' guide

Category: Schools , Leaflets & brochures | Audiences: Communities, General, Schools & teachers

A safe school travel plan provides an opportunity for parents, caregivers, schools and the community to work together to improve safety.

Research report 507 The implications of road investment

Category: Economic development , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

The objective of this research (undertaken in 2010–12) was to provide improved evidence (potentially leading to improved modelling, monitoring and evaluation methods) on the implications of major road investments in New Zealand on significant factors…