Displaying 21 - 30 results of 85 for ""
Published: August 2009
Transport demand management
Research programme
Research & reports
| Audience:
Transport modes such as walking and cycling, including cycling to school, could play a key role in combating obesity, climate change and traffic congestion as well as restoring ‘social capital’ within communities.
Published: 2009
Transport demand management
Research programme
Research & reports
| Audience:
Trip generation, parking demand, modal split and travel activity related to different land uses are fundamental information for transportation planning and land use planning, now and in the future.
Published: 2000
Transport demand management
Research programme
Research & reports
| Audience:
A research project was undertaken in 1999/2000 to review international evidence on user valuations of the individual components of public transport journeys, for use in forecasting the demand for and evaluating user benefits of public transport impro…
Published: 2001
Transport demand management
Research programme
Research & reports
| Audience:
This project involved market research among motorists in New Zealand to establish unit behavioural values of travel time savings under a range of conditions, for application in the evaluation of transport projects.
Published: 2000
Transport demand management
Research programme
Research & reports
| Audience:
This research reviewed the literature on traffic growth prediction in New Zealand and overseas, surveyed local traffic growth forecasting practice in New Zealand, reviewed the traffic growth procedures in the Project Evaluation Manual, and attempted …
Published: 2001
Transport demand management
Research programme
Research & reports
| Audience:
This database is part of a research project to produce a comprehensive national database of information on trips and parking related to land use in New Zealand since 1990, to identify trends that have occurred since the 1970s, and to compare the New …
Published: 2001
Transport demand management
Research programme
Research & reports
| Audience:
The objectives of this research project were to produce a comprehensive national database of information on trips and parking related to land use in New Zealand since 1990, to identify trends that have occurred since the 1970s, and to compare the New…
Published: 2001
Transport demand management
Research programme
Research & reports
| Audience:
This report describes investigating ways of quantifying the severance effects of roads.
Published: 2003
Transport demand management
Research programme
Research & reports
| Audience:
A research study was undertaken, in 2001–02, for New Zealand and in other countries, of the temporal spreading of traffic peaks, or 'peak spreading', on roads in urban areas.
Published: 2003
Transport demand management
Research programme
Research & reports
| Audience:
A study undertaken in 2001–02 on the economics of travel for education had the following objectives: to gain a better understanding of travel to school and its contribution to urban traffic volumes to examine alternatives to car use for travel to sch…