Displaying 81 - 85 results of 85 for ""
Published: 1996
Transport demand management
Research programme
Research & reports
| Audience:
List showing priorities of land uses for which data on parking demand and trip generation were required by traffic engineers and town planners have been prepared.
Published: 1996
Transport demand management
Research programme
Research & reports
| Audience:
Eighty drivers in four groups of 20 (10 males; 10 females), aged under 30 years, 40–59, 60–69, and 70 years and over respectively, participated in a study, carried out in 1994 in the Waikato region, New Zealand, to identify factors contributing to cr…
Published: 1996
Transport demand management
Research programme
Research & reports
| Audience:
The National Traffic Database (NTDB) is a system for storing traffic data on each of approximately 120,000 sections of New Zealand public road network (state highways and local roads).
Published: May 2014
Transport demand management
Research programme
Research & reports
| Audience:
The NZ Transport Agency selected URS NZ Ltd to conduct a literature review in 2013 to find available cost and benefit information for traveller information systems (TIS) and associated products.
Published: January 2014
Safety, security and public health
Transport demand management
Research programme
Research & reports
| Audience:
This report details research carried out in Wellington, New Zealand, over the period 2012–13.